Saturday, December 30, 2006


So DH went out for his "boys" afternoon yesterday "won't be a late one hun he says, since we are starting at 1:30 pm" yeah right, he rolled in at 1:30am this morning...............I am not impressed.

Anyway DH asked me to go and get a wireless router for his dad's laptop from PC World yesterday, so I did and installed it etc, works great, I am working wirelessly as I type. The downside is, the idea was that FIL would not have all the trailing wires leading from the back of the modem which is connected to the TV box wotsit. ERRRRR but wait a min, old PC brainbox here forgot that a wireless router has to be connected to one PC or laptop to work so in fact he now has even more wires and boxes to contend with. Haven broken the news to DH who is still snoring............oh dear.

Have been getting some great pics of scraprooms since I posted on UKS about it. Can't wait to get home and get to grips with my evil sander later today. I've got loads of deadlines in Jan and I NEED to be in the room to create!! (hark at me)

I'll let you know when the proverbial hits the fan about the router.

Friday, December 29, 2006


I am up with DH and DS in Glasgow for a couple of days, went out to a lovely place called Cafe Mao with 6 other couples last night - the yummiest food and the BEST company. My head should hurt this morning but I think I have been spared.

Gonna try to fit in some stash shopping today, fingers crossed, might head off to Flawless Designs in Stirling. My appetite for stash has returned yey!!

Can't wait to move into my new craft room but things are on hold for a couple of days, have appealed to bods on UKS to give me some colour and design ideas for decorating and furnishing. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Changing Rooms

OOHHHH my arms hurt, I was sanding the beams in my craft room yesterday - I am sooooooo desperate to get in there I have gone all DIY. You should have seen me , I started with a piddly little sander which was taking ages till hubby brought up a "dobbin" big band sander, which basically dragged me across the beam - it's a beast. Being a right wimp with no muscles I only lasted half an hour with it and was exhausted. Bet the neighbours were glad though it makes a hell of a racket.

So the room is still ongoing I am dreaming of my expedit shelving from IKEA, knowing my luck it'll be out of stock as soon as my room is finished - arrrgggghhh!!!

Off to Glasgow this afternoon for a couple of days yey!!

OH OH I am sooooo chuffed my blog is heading up the Crafty Blog charts.........check it out!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Trafford Centre

I must be mental (well I think we all know I am) but I decided to brave the Trafford Centre yesterday to get a handbag with my John Lewis voucher and a case for my iPod, it was MOBBED, all the car parks were full but we managed to squeeze into a space.

Bagged myself a half price handbag which I had my eye on before Xmas - yey!

The January issue of Quick and Crafty arrived in the post today and one of my cards made the front cover, I am sooooooooooo chuffed. I have used the most delish American Crafts "play" papers and Aunty Sarahs bloomers - check the papers out here at SarahsCards website.

The other good news is that my craft room has been replastered and is drying out nicely, I am off up the stairs to strip the wooden beams. All I need to do now is choose my colour scheme, I have been drooling over the IKEA catalogue choosing my storage. Most of the DIY projects in our house tend to take ages, but I want to be in and creating in my new room by the new year.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day

Mornin! It's 6:25am and I can't sleep so I thought I would blog instead. In fact I have been awake since 4:30 am!!! I'll be knackered later I bet.

Been surfing t'interwe for iPod bits and bobs, think I need to buy a case since I am so flippin accident prone. Talking of which I brought down hubbys stereo into the kitchen on Saturday night and dropped one of the speakers, thought I had got away with it cos I was giggling nervously once I realised that it worked. I confessed and on checking it, one of the "doo-dads" inside was wrecked................oops!

Anway sitting here in new jim-jams courtesy of my Mum, had some great pressies, including the most divine cashmere scarf from my cousin Hil (she spoils me rotten).

The little fella got a whole pile of pressies and this was the first Christmas he was totally aware of what is going on bless him.

Anyway, must go - got about 19,800 itunes to download (hee hee)

Monday, December 25, 2006

ipod Big 'un

ooohhh I got an 80gb iPod for Christmas yey!!!!!! Courtesy of hubby bless him

Just have to buy loooooaaaads more iTunes to fill it -apparently it fits about 20,000 tracks -COOL.

Happy Christmas one and all!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My head hurts..............

Wel it's Christmas Eve and I am all sorted apart from pressie wrapping. Got a bit of a sore head, our friends were round for our annual Christmas meal and get together last night, so we were quaffing Champers (hark at me!)

Anyway, been dying to blog about the fact that Julie Hickey from Craftwork Cards has asked me to be a guest artist on their new recipe cards -check out their new concept here. I was actually asked when I was at the NEC with Sarah back in November, I stopped by their stall and Julie asked me if I would be interested so of course after thinking for about a nanosecond I said YES! I am extremely flattered to be asked, especially since when I started card making about 3 years ago I was very inspired by Julie and her work - she is cardmaking royalty for goodness sake!

2006 has been a great year for me and I am very flattered that so many people like Sarah and Bev have also got me on their design teams, I just hope I can do 'em proud. If any of you lovely people are reading this, thank you so much for the opportunities you have given me

Well must dash got pressies to wrap

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas is Coming!!

Blimey, well AT last I think I am all sorted for Christmas PHEW!

Hubby and I are back home and yesterday we took our little fella to see Santa on the Santa Express in Llangollen.

It was soooooooooo cool, like stepping back in time, we got on a steam train and had our own compartment, it was just like Harry Potter or Mallory Towers (Enid Blyton) . I read all those books when I was little and just so wanted to be posh and go to boarding school and have a tuck box, a truck with initials on it, play lacrosse and have midnight feasts. Jolly Hockeysticks!

Anyway back to Santa, he came along the train which sat still for about 40 mins before we set off! He gave all the kids a pressie. We travelled along the line to Lapland station, which was all very festive and back home again. It was a great treat for the afternoon.

Done all my housework, hubby has been dispatched to Sainsburys ( I couldn't face another trip) and I think I will have a snooze this afternoon.

Proof positive of how much running round and forgetting to eat I have been doing , I have lost about 8 pounds!! YEY!!!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Hej Da! I am in Sweden with work and it is pigging freezing. I have been used to 10 degrees and rain and it is -2 and very frosty

I am more knackered than I have ever been in my life, exhausted in fact, I need to get back to my hotel and sleep for a week zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Still there is a nice spa in the hotel with lovely pool etc, I think I will hang out in there for a bit (literally hang out ha ha ha as I will be wearing a swimsuit) then early bed. Sweden is nice but our hotel sucks, my room is nice but the lighting is dreary, not good in a country which is dark most of the year!

Any-hoo, I shall stop whining and I am home tomorrow yey!!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Spirit of Christmas Returns

Gosh my Christmas paddy last night was funny, it went along the lines of "RIGHT - that's IT!! I ain't doing Christmas next year , I am running away to hide" Hubby laughed at my strop.

However this morning we went to our son's nativity play and he was playing one of the angels and it just melted my heart. It was all so sweet, bless 'em. There were LOADS of kids in the production, the teachers must have been so stressed ( I think one of them was swigging gin beforehand ha ha!!!)

Anyway I am back in love with Christmas again, I am off to the Trafford Centre tomorrow to start and finish my doubt I'll be in a foul mood after that!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Don't Mention the C Word

If anyone else tells me they are "all sorted for Christmas" I shall kill them. The mere mention of the C word is making me hysterical. Who are these people who buy all their pressies and have them wrapped in August - are they put on earth to make December a misery for me? Is it me or does December just flash by at warp speed - I mean what the heck is it doing being December 13th all of a sudden?

The good news is that alllll my Xmas cards and shop orders are done - my craft table is bare and I ain't touching paper till 2007 I swear!! I am eternally grateful to Lynn and Melissa at Aceville for their support. My creative juices are gone and I can give no more in 2006.........gosh wot a diva eh??

Any-hoo I am off to Sweden with work on Sunday for 3 nights so even less time to get pressies. If you know me, expect a last minute gift from a petrol station - how does charcoal briquettes sound? You never know when barbie season will roll around again ...........

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Will I ever be glam?

Well it's my works "do" tomorrow night at Tatton Park in Knutsford Cheshire. Every year they host a couple of weeks of swanky parties in a massive marquee with a fab theme. I haven't been before but last year hubby went and thought it was brill.

Soooooooooo tonight I was due to do the whole laydee beauty routine, face pack, manicure, pedicure etc and you know what? I am too knackered, so I ain't gonna be no posh spice tomorrow. My toenails look like they belong to a velociraptor ( I can't spell dinosaur names) the "holiday skin" tan I have been applying looks like Vicky Pollard applied it and my hands are in a right state

Lets hope it's dark in that there marquee.........................................

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Crafty Space

OK folks try not to faint, but there are pics on my blog!!!

Thought I would show you my craft space, I am currently residing in a small corner of hubbys attic office as seen here..................

However my "real" craft room is "under construction". This was my hidey hole but since we live in an old house and the plaster is caving in on the wall I have decided to have it plastered. It's in a poorly state at the mo - but check out the carpet ha ha ha!!!

The plasterer has promised to come before Xmas and I can't wait (yeah well we'll see if he arrives eh?) I am intending to paint it pink and green and have white furniture from IKEA and I will just be in HEAVEN!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

200 cards b4 Xmas???

Ha ha do you think I am gonna acheive this? 200 cards and 2 mag projects, back to my "leaving it to the last minute"tendencies..................eeeeeeeeeeeek!

I wish I could be an organised Christmas person, my mate at work has all her pressies bought and wrapped by the end of Nov and I could kill her!!!! She's the sort of person who buys stuff in August (arrrrrrrrrrghhhh !)

I have just bought a copy of Creative Scrapbooking mag, and it just gets more gorgeous every month. Lianna Mawer from LittleSilver Hat (ribbons v yummy) has had 2 yummy layouts published and I bet she is thrilled, so well done to her.

The other brillo news is that Rochelle has re-opened her shop One Purple Cow and I am sooooo chuffed.

Fab news #3 is that I am now number 63 in the crafty blog chart hee hee!! SO thanks for reading.

Well the housework is calling so I had better "do one"

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Another Work Week Over!!!

Tee hee I am loving this 3 day work week malarky! 4 days off now yipeee!

Mind you, I am lucky, I love my job, yesterday I was teaching people to use PaintShop Pro and I am learning Photoshop too!

New project is out in Quick & Crafty, I did some cards with some lush papers from Banana Frog, they are fab

Also have a piece in about blogging so lets hope I go up the "Crafty Blogs" hit parade lets face it number 69 in the rating ain't good!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Once Bitten Twice Shy? -No Sireeee not me

Those who regularly read this nonsense may recall my "crumpet rage" at Tesco Express last week.

Well this dotty old bag was there again tonight and have I learned my lesson? Did I stay clear of the evil self service till wotsits??

Did I 'eck, like a lamb to the slaughter, the trusting fool that I am I was sucked into the "ooohhh bet that'll be quicker than queuing" mentality.

This time it was worse, scanned all my stuff, then it sniffilly refused every form of payment I offered it, I cajoled, I pleaded all to no avail...............I was eventually persuaded to go and queue up outside to use the chuffin' cash till to get money to pay!!! The queue for that was about 8 people long..............will I ever learn???

Anyway due to my early onset of senility I bought a flash new filofax yesterday, filled it with everything my pea brain needs to remember till the next Millenium and guess what? The damn thing is too big to fit in my handbag...........sheesh!! I Give up

So , now at my desk making cards and I have run out of blanks (I'll need to shoot myself with real bullets ha ha ha ha ha!!)

Monday, November 27, 2006

I need a personal organiser!!

OK it's official, I am officially brainless as of now...............toadelly losing it memory wise. This morning on the school run I was convinced I had forgotten summat, but couldn't figure out what?? Then I remembered - the cheque for school lunches this week durrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I wish I was more organised, I am hopeless at this "school Mum" thang. It is my honest belief that all children should stay in nursery till 5pm every week day till they are 16 - no more messing about with having to make tea every night and clogging up the roads with the dreaded school run. I am laying the blame squarely on the teachers at my boys school, if they send home any more letters with "bring this in" , "do this" or "we are doing that" this side of 2009 then they are getting shoved where the current bun don't shine.

ALSO whilst I am on a rant - what gives with my blog, do I smell??? I am thinking of bribing Kirsty wiv Jaffas to stop writing for a week so I can be number 2 not number 70 !!! on Crafty Blogs...........(just kidding Kirsty).

Hey ho c'est la vie - off to beedie byes........till next time xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Great Weekend

Gosh I have had such a brillo weekend. One of my hubby's Greek colleagues has been staying with us since Friday and he was a perfect house guest.

Yesterday was Sarahs' retreat, I am in awe of the scrapbooking talent I keep seeing. Julie Doyle, Jani D (can't recall her full name - sorry Kiddo) and Kirsty Wiseman taught a class each yesterday and I must say I was totally blown away by them all. How come ladies with families and jobs to juggle can produce such wonderful artwork?? I take my hat off to you all! Jools was a COMPLETE star with her catering too, bless her she is a dedicated scrapper and spent the whole day in the kitchen with Sarah's mum Wendy.

The retreat was perfect, Sarah " I am having twins by the way" Davies just organised such a brilliant day - I love you gal!! Every small detail was taken care of. The food , the venue and the raffle were fabbo.

Today I took my little 'un to "Polar Palace" one of those hideous play frame party venues - he went with his 2 best pals. I say hideous, but they do love it. My little fella kept complaining that he was hungry, and I was like "stop nagging just go and play". His 2 mates popped back on their own announcing that he was in a party. I went legging it over to one of the party rooms and spotted the little blighter sitting at a table happily tucking into some random kids party meal - OH MY GOD!!! I was soooooooooooo embarrassed, I just picked him up and ran for it!!! God knows who they were, I didn't stop to find out!!!! At the end of the afternoon putting his shoes on he complained that he didn't have a party bag!!! SHEESH what a kid???

Off tomorrow to get lots of card making done - yey!!!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

BAD Mother

I think I am definitely going senile, or my mind is so full of "things to do"that there just ain't no room for more info.

Today was anti bullying day at school which meant no uniform and I didn't just forget, I have no recollection of it being mentioned in any letters from school. So my poor son ended up in school with his uniform on and now I feel dreadful..................everyone else was in jeans - bless him.

So I was feeling dreadful and quite grumpy and found a letter in his bag about him needing a flipping angel costume for the nativity play..............arrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!

It's Sarahs retreat tomorrow and I am going to be a helper - should be great!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stop the World I wanna gerroff

GOD!!! I am a bit stwessed at the mo. I have been trying to get in work early so I can finish early every night to get stuff done around the house. We have a vistor staying with us this weekend and have also invited bods round for fireworks and nibbles on Sat night. Added to this our garden is still being sorted. We now have a skip full of the Berlin Wall on the drive, an electrician and a squad of guys who pave stuff for us arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

So in my rush to get to work yesterday I jumped in the shower - had a quick look at my hair, thought it passed the "minger test" and didn't need to be washed so I could save time. Got out of the shower, put my make up on and realised since I had slapped face oil on the night before that my hair was greasy and I didn't pass the "minger test" after all. So legged it back to the bathroom to wash my hair. Looked in the mirror and my mascara and it had all run - arrrgggghhh!!!

Face then had to be redone. I go into the wardrobe to get something to wear and as I struggled to get something out, a coat hanger flicked out and whacked me straight in the gob!!! You can imagine how blue the air was - it flipping hurt!

No time for brekkie, and I needed cash so I drove to our Tesco Express got cash, then had a brainwave to buy crumpets and butter for the office.

They've just installed those god-awful "swipe your stuff yerself cos we can't be a****d" checkouts and my crumpets wouldn't beep throught the "swipey thing"!! So in true Victor Meldrew stlyeeee I said "oh for God's sake why can't we actually have a real human being behind these bloody tills????" Well I said it quite loud, my crumpets finally got themselves together, I paid and made a sharp exit with bemused early morning shoppers gawping at me.

Progress eh...........? I hate it

Oh I bet my blog will be kicked off Crafty Blogs now for not having any "crafting tips or stuff" - so here is my tip of the day "craft knives are very sharp so be careful".............................

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Stress Bunny Returns

I have orders for 100 cards to deliver before Christmas -- plus I need to do Xmas cards for our family............................I'm gonna hibernate


Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Quote

Read a great quote in Paper Crafts Mag today....

"There's a very fine line between hobby and mental illness........."

How true is that?? I daren't show my other half since this is how he views my obsession with paper n' stuff.

I've been really busy with writing the words to go with my pictures for the mag, it's the worst bit of the whole process so got that sorted - till next month.

It's action stations in the garden again, hubby made himself very popular with a pneumatic drill yesterday , much to the disgust of the neighbourhood hee heee!! We have a pile of concrete rubble to rival the fall of the Berlin wall outside our kitchen door and yet another flippin' skip on the front drive.

Lots to do this week - got orders for cards for a couple of shops and we have friends coming at the weekend so lots of yukky housework to do. I could just leave it and blindfold them when they come through the front door instead.....there's a thought!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Quick Recovery!

OHHH I do feel better. Up in Glasgow at the moment, we went to a 40th Party last night gosh it used to be weddings and christenings now it is 40th parties, how old am I starting to feel?

The party was for hubbys mate who was our best man and the venue was a bowling club, they had indoor bowling on green carpet and although I was rubbish it was good fun! The party boy had brought his iPod and plugged it into the stereo and every single track was fab - I may have to clone it. Mind you I don't have an iPod all my itunes are on my PC and I am mad for downloading tunes.

Back home today to get on with the garden renovations, the final phase starts next week - can't wait!

My hubbys cousin is over from the States, she made a flying visit yesterday and dropped off a stack of scrapping and stamping mags for me - I LOVE HER!! SO I shall have plenty to read today. I've also had orders for cards from a couple of shops so I'll be busy doing those.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Poorly 'ol me
Well I have managed to get myself a little tummy bug - what a pain. On the mend now though, it just meant I had to leave our crop early on Wednesday. Incidentally for all the thousands of you reading this, Sarah of SarahsCards and I run a crop every month near Northwich in Cheshire so if you care to come along please get in touch!

Off to Glasgow tonight for a flying visit for a 4oth Party then back home to continue with our garden renovations!

My latest project has been uploaded to MyCraftWeekly , a new site devoted to all things crafty by Aceville, its' a subscription thing but well worth a look. I must say reducing my hours to 3 days a week has meant I can get on top of my deadlines at last!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


OHHHHHHH ( I am very excited) Bev Fletcher has just officially "launched me" - well I am almost as big as a boat, on her Banana Frog website as part of her design team, I am so happy!!!

A big thanks to Bev for supporting me and choosing me for her team!!!

Check me out - worra poser.

This week has been so great for me, I have some really nice offers which I am just keeping under my bonnet just now, but suffice to say I have been grinning like a Cheshire Cat all weekend!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Back Home from the NEC!

WOW!! What a great weekend I had at the NEC - Sarah and I did make and takes at the show with 300 people! Sarah was an angel I was "cooking on gas" all weekend and I think I wore her out but she was very gracious and didn't punch me once! A BIG thanks for all her kindnesses and for letting me accompany her - I love ya Sazzles!

I met loads of lovely people and had a great natter with Julie Hickey from Craftwork Cards and Dyan from Art from the Heart. They of course had the most scrummy stuff on sale and of course I succumbed. The gang from Quick & Crafty and Crafts Beautiful had the stand at the entrance and were "going like a fair" all weekend too. They had a BIG blown up poster of one of my front covers on the stand, by the time I got round to taking a pic some elderley lady was sitting in front of it and I didn't have the heart to ask her to budge, so no pic for me!!

It was so great to have an exhibitors badge and I waved it like Wayne from Waynes World - I was deffo "Access All Areas" tee hee!

The gang from Practical Publishing, Lindsay, Diane & Iain really looked after us and were a complete hoot- even with hangovers! SO a Big Thanks to them for "having us".

OOHHHH but it was great to meet all the enthusiastic crafters there, some of them were so lovely. Some were a bit flippin cheeky too, we were making things with brads and one woman swiped a handful as she left our table - if you are reading this madam shame on you! It's amazing the stories you hear of folk pinching stuff at the shows too, you wouldn't believe crafters were capable of such behaviour...............but then it takes all sorts.

All in all I had a wonderful time and am looking forward to the next one, and helping Sarah on her retreat on the 25th of the month.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

One more sleep to go!

OOOhh I am almost (but not quite) wetting my pants about tomorrow - off to the NEC yipeeee!!

I am almost packed, and very excited. Poor "expectant" Sarah will probably want to strangle me by Sunday if I stay this excited!!!

Please, please let's hope people actually want to "make and take" with Sazzles and Sam, cos I have been preparing all week, I am just gonna drag people to the table and MAKE them MAKE AND TAKE.

Anyway got lots to do - wish us well and I'll write and update on my return (how will you survive without me ha ha ha!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Crafty Blogs

If my brain was made of dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my hat off! What a berk, I signed up for Crafty Blogs and have been wondering all week why it hasn't appeared on their rankings ..............durr you need to install a button wotsit on your blog to get it to work. I sent an email to their support guy last night - he must have thought "god here we go again another dimwit!"

So I am now number 68 in the rankings, not quite Billy No Mates but practically.

I hear that Lianne has been voted scrapper of the month (she is always fighting ha ha ha) but seriously well done to her - she sent some YUMMY scrummy ribbon to me yesterday - check out her shop

Two more sleeps to the NEC!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lots to Do.....

Ohhh yesterday was my first Monday off in aaaaages, I have dropped down to 3 days per week at work so I can pick Alex up from school and not put him in Kiddie Prison (after school club) Got loads of creative stuff done for my Quick & Crafty project, so really per usual can't share it cos I would get "done".

Well on the way to getting all the stuff sorted for our Make and Takes at the NEC at the Weekend, please say hi when you pass Sarah and I on the Practical Publishing Stand.

I am very excited about a new venture I am involved in, Aceville, who do Q&C mag and Crafts Beautiful have just launched My Craft Weekly, which is an online forum full of videos and projects and patterns etc etc. Some of my stuff will be appearing v soon so I am very chuffed!

3 more sleeps to the NEC yey!! Poor Sarah will be fed up cos I will be like a kiddie jumping up and down and saying "I AM DEMOING at the NEC" all weekend. Soz Sazzles.....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

God my Blog is boring...............

Feeling a bit naffed orf today cos I have found a site which lists all the top Blogs for crafters and mine ain't on it..........however on closer inspection it seems you actually have to log your blog on the site cos apparently they ain't psychic.

YEY thinks I , I might get some real strangers, rather than my Mum, Julie and Sarah (god love em all) reading my blog, then I noticed a rather pertinent disclaimer which basically sez if your blog ain't "crafty" enough you'll be kicked off and pelted with rotten tomatoes ( I made the tomatoes bit up)

Well it doesn't take a brain surgeon to notice the distinct lack of crafty pics and tips on my blog does it? Thing is, cos I have to work (boo- frickin - hiss) AND the fact that I don't get time to create and play other than for Q&C most of the time, I can't actually take pics of what I have done.............cos that would spoil the TA-DAH! effect in the mag. So what to do? Can someone please arrange for a few more hours in the day peut-etre, cos that would sure help my little predicament.

I am off to Courtyard Crafts tonight with aforementioned mother to drool over stuff (must not buy, must not buy...). Tomorrow I am spending the day with Sazzles to work on our "make and takes" for the NEC next week. We are gonna be on the Practical Publishing stand and I am VERY excited. So for all the hordes of you reading this - ahem!!! Please come and say hi.

I am off now to ponder my options for squeezing crafting time in so I can take some pics of things I have made.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Overrun with Trick or Treaters!!!!!!!!!!!

OK quick tip, if you are gonna stick a lit pumpkin on your front step, don't try to make a casserole and feed your 4 year old, instead prepare for serious hordes of trick or treaters!!!

WOOOAAAAHHHHH I think someone must have parked a coachload at the end of our road, our house was INUNDATED with visits tonight. Good job I bought like shedloads of choccie in readiness though, was hoping to trough the leftovers..............not much left over I can tell you.

It was all very cute though and I felt really mean that I hadn't dressed little Alex up to open the door, bless him. Every time the bell rang he sprinted to the door to offer up the choccie basket. Bless his socks awwwwww.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gee it's good to be back home again...........

Yes these are the words of John Denver and they are true. We have had a fabbo family half term holiday. Just back from Buckinghamshire after visiting friends in Great Missenden. What a gorgeous place, Roald Dahl lived there and there is a museum there devoted to his life and work. It was soooo interesting and hs made me determined to get a book about his life. I had no idea he wrote the screenplay for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Did a great tourist day in London, saw Downing Street for the first time and also went to the Tower of London which was really good.

Yesterday we went to Whipsnade Zoo and the best thing there was the hippos, saw them really close up and apparently they poo in their pool to mark their territory. YUCK

Back to work tomorrow - boo -hiss xxx

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Waiting for Noah..........

Flippin 'eck (spot the Northern Lass) its been piddling down here all day. Most miserable.......

Never mind, my fab new custome made stamps arrived this morning just for meeeeee! Very chuffed with how they turned out, no time to play though cos off "darn Sarf" tomorrow to visit friends near London.

Also mega excited - Sarah has booked our hotel for the NEC in Nov - "girls on tour yey!!" She has been busy with another yummy kit on her website - check it out at I am wishing her a sell out!

Off to Leoland at the crack of dawn.................hope it ain't raining darn Sarf

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hoots Mon

Just back from a fabbo long weekend in Glasgae..........did lots of fab things, went to S for Stamps and Craft Heaven - designed my own stamps which should arrive tomorrow and bought more stash!

Went to the newly reopened Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery with DH and DS, just fab. I am a real fan of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and they have an exhibit with loads of those designs - just yummy.

Talking of yummy I went for the best curry ever last night at Mother India, just delish!!! Back home for 36 hours and then orf to Legoland and London - these half term hols ain't all bad eh??

Sunday, October 22, 2006

OHHHHH 3 Comments

Seems like my begging has paid off, my last post was read and commented on! Thanks gals your fivers are in the post!

Well I can report that my mojo is back and I am on top of all my projects and I am actually getting the time to just "play". Now I have been cruelly wrenched away from my stash and I am in Glasgow, not to worry I am sure I can fit in some trips to Memory Avenue and S for Stamps he hee heee!!

Looking forward to November cropping activity and the NEC. The last crop was cancelled because Sarah and I couldn't make it so we are on again for our monthly crop in Northwich and I am helping out on her Xmas Retreat (making tea - oh my lord where is the valium??) Then I am helping her out at the NEC and I am SOOOOO excited.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Yummy New Stuff

Ohhhh went over to Sarah's last night (of Sarahs Cards) and raided her new stock. She has taken delivery of lots of GORGEOUS, and I mean GORGEOUS new American Crafts 12x12 paper and it just made me swoon. It is just to die for and I got loads of it and I want more - greed is a terrible fing. The problem with Sarah is she just stocks ENTIRE ranges of papers and it just means I have to buy em'

On the same subject, I have developed an obsession with Stampin Up, a just gorgeous US company who have the lushest stamps on the planet. I have bought some off ebay but have made contact with a demonstrator who lives near my cousin in the US and I am gonna buy more when I can.

Talking of stamping I have discovered a yummy stamping blog called Stamping Mathilda, she is a lady based in the Netherlands I think, and she stamps like a dervish!! Her stuff is wonderful so check it out, cos I is in awe!!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Gosh well I finally uploaded a photo of Lil Ol' Me onto my blog - display this page and it'll keep the kids away from your PC hahahahahah. Did you all notice my fabbo new banner? It took me chuffin' ages, and I still can't figure out how to get rid of the original title which is still lurking underneath!

I hate photos of me, one time I joined a posh gym near Wilmslow and I had to have a pic taken for my gym pass. The girl took it really quick she said "ready?" I went "ay? what? ohhhh waaaahhh" and it was all over. You should have seen it, I almost wet my pants laughing, I truly looked like I was looking into the back of a spoon. The girl that took it was peeing herself too. So she goes "awwww don't worry no-one will ever see it, it's just for your card"

WRONG!!!! Each time I went to the gym the card got swiped through a machine and was displayed about A4 size on a bloody TV screen - invariably when there was a fit rich bloke just behind that's why I don't go to the gym! Good excuse eh?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Confined to Barracks...............

Silly old me - I've managed to get myself an inner ear infection called "acute labyrinthitis", completely out of the blue, went to the docs yesterday and he has signed me off work with it. It makes me feel like I am on a boat, bit dizzy and sicky, as long as I don't pogo about I feel OK so for once I am taking it easy!

He gave me some microscopic pills which apparently you can't chew or swallow (it says so in BIG letters on the pack) instead you have to put them up under your top lip. They stop you feeling icky . Last night I DID feel icky so I stuck one of those suckers where I was supposed to and was SO SCARED I was gonna swallow one I sat up in bed like a big jessie holding it against my gum with my pinky. It did the trick though hurrah!!

I am such a hypocondriac though, I started reading up about it and apparently it can make you vom like a trooper and last for weeks. Now I am no big fan of "Up-Chucking" (who is??) so I hope that ain't gonna happen!

I'll keep you posted - even though the lack of comments on here make me feel like "Billy" (no-mates)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Back Home

Well I am back home and judging by the number of comments a bog fat none for ages it looks like I am "talking to myself". It'll be my own fault since I am a bit of a sporadic blogger.

I haven't "created" anything in ages and so on Friday and yesterday I spent hours making stuff for my 10 squillion deadlines. When I first started I was almost having a heart attack trying to figure out what to do, but I am dead proud of myself. I got stuff done for Quick & Crafty, Crafts Beautiful and some design team work done for the lovely Banana Frog!!

Don't know if I have mentioned it but Bev from Banana Frog has asked me to be on her design team - I am soooooo chuffed. She produces the most fabby acrylic stamps, it's great to see such talent in the UK and I am very very flattered to join them.

Still got loads more bits and pieces to do. A lovely chap from Xyron has sent me some goodies to play with including books for my Xyron Personal Cutter yey!!! AND more discs for my design runner, so I'll see what I can come up with.

My "craft" room is still in a right state and I am still occupying a small corner of DH's office at home. It's great but he caught me oohing and ahhing over some American Crafts ribbon I got from QVC on Friday. After looking at my 6 jars jam packed with ribbon he said "more ribbon ?????" they just don't understand........

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

London Rocks!!

Well folks I am in London and having a fab time. Although I am officially here for work I have been made to feel very welcome and I am staying at a really nice hotel. Been here since Sunday and I flew down (oooh get me!!) to our head office. Our head office is larvelly!!

On Monday night I went on the London eye which was just peachy. Last night I went to see "The Producers" in the West End. A quick tip for theatre lovers - don't pay BIG ticket prices, if you haven't got your heart set on a particular show go to the TKTS booth in Leicester square on the day you want to go see summat cos most of them are half price. Anyway the big scoop is that I went on my own "what a big girl" how cool am I. OK so I stressed about how I was gonna get home on my own on the tube (so still a big ponce really) but I needn't have worried there were like 10,000 peeps on the tube last night so plenty of people about. My mother nearly had a conniption (spelling?) when I told her.

Tonight I am hoping to go see "Guys & Dolls" - apparently Patrick Swayze has bogged off on hols this week so he we be covered by his understudy - I was kind of hoping to see him since I swooned over him in Dirty Dancing in the 80's . Hey ho though it'll still be good.

Off home tomorrow night - it's been kinda blissful being a "chick about town" rather than " a drudge at home " LOL!!!

Till the next time........


Friday, October 06, 2006

Scrunched Up Stomach
Over the past few weeks I haven't had time to "create" and it has made me very grumpy and edgy. I have had to work 5 days a week when I usually work 4 so time has been limited and DH has been working away so by the time I have got Alex to bed I am fit for bed myself

The good news is I am off work next Friday so I'll have time to play -yey!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Deep Blue Funk...........

Well readers - I have to admit to being in a bit of a deep blue funk right now

Working 5 days a week, with a wee one who has started school and precious little time to even do housework and the basics has meant my creativity has taken a back seat. In fact my creativity is basically so low on the list of priorities its actually in a trailer attached to the back of the car............

I have been watching the UKScrappers forum and reading all about Scrapcamp and all the lovely retreats and I am green with envy. My job is getting in the way of my papercrafting and it makes me sad and restless and quite stressed - what to do???

I have been extremely fortunate that my work appears in Quick and Crafty and this has been a spring board to other opportunities.........but at the moment I am struggling to fit them all in. If only I didn't have a "day job" I am sure I could really soar.

Hey comedy from me today, what a moaner I am - someone come round and slap me!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Trying to Be A Stamper

Well after another one of my loooong absences - I am back!

Lots of stuff has happened since I last wrote my blog but I won't bore you with the details. I want to write about rubber stamps.

I am a BIG fan of rubber stamps and associated stash but I just can't get my head round using them. I see a stamp in a shop and think "woooaaaaahhh I gotta have it" and then all the ideas I had for using it evaporate when I get home. It's bizarre.

So I have decided to "focus" and get myself into stamping, I was in Harrogate for the CraftWork Cards Papercraft Extravaganza and had a fab time last Sunday. I took my Mum and although we only had 2 hours to whizz round I still managed to spend money!! I visited the scrummy Craftwork Cards stall and bought loads of stuff. I chatted to Julie Hickey who said lovely things about my work and I blushed to the roots of my hair!!!

I also meandered over to the Art from The Heart stall,oohhhhhhhhhh just SCRUMMY. I have never really been into their Blonde Moments designs but once I saw what they had done with them I was in "lurve". I also watched a demo by one of their team using Distress Inks and PaperArtsy stamps - I was hooked! So I am hoping to get cracking with some stamping, as I write this I am watching my Tim Holtz DVD.............very inspiring. If I manage to do some stuff I'll get some pics and upload them.

My craft room hasn't progressed much either, I am useless!!! We have to track down a plasterer, so it could take a while.

Sarah and Kirsty have been having fun at the Emily Falconbridge workshop this weekend I am dying to see how they got on so I better hop on over to Kirstys Blog.............

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

God I'm tired

I am soooo tired, and I am now tired of being tired, I am pooped, knackered, whacked and I want to sleep for a week. Not sure why.......................but I am verrrrry sleepy.

Sold some mags on ebay last night, I just love turning my mag pile into real cash that I have all good intentions of putting away for savings but just end up squandering on more stash on ebay, will I ever learn?

Crop night tomorrow yey, Sarah Davies (of Sarahscards) and I hold one every month near Northwich, for all you millions of readers get in touch if you want more details!! Sarah has also just set up her Xmas retreat check out her fabbo website for more details , there will be classes with some very talented papercrafters (i'll be making the tea)

Talking of tea, I have this insane inability to make tea for others without getting stressed.Yes I can stress over tea for goodness sake. I have made tea for all the builders and other guys who have done work on the house and I can almost see their shoulders drop with dissapointment when they peer into a mug ful of brew made by me. As for the crop- well Sarah and I make a point of supplying all our attendees with tea and coffee I even write a list but then get all mixed up in the kitchen - Sarah nearly wets herself laughing at how rubbish I am!

Tune in soon for more from me xxx

Monday, September 11, 2006

Every Bone In My Back Hurts...............

Oh Lord, I am in pain, like a crippled hobgoblin from my DIY efforts on Saturday, it's all caught up with me! I suppose 15 trips up and down 3 floors carrying dobbing bits of old wood and chucking them into a trailer didn't help.

I was brandishing a heat gun stripping the paint off the beams in my room and cos I was on my own I started thinking......... "errrr these beams are right next to the roof space, lots of old dust and crumbling lathe and plaster...............................oh god I could set the whole flipping house on fire". So I stopped, then spent the rest of the night worrying that there was some smouldering fire in the roof that would turn into a towering inferno overnight and all my stash would go up with it too.

The things I think of!

Anyway it's my 8th wedding anniversary today - trust me to pick Sep 11th !!

That's all for now.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Whoa..............Busy Week

Well my little one started school this week, very monumental day! Bless him he was only just 4 years old last week. Like his Mum though, he is a total nutter with way too much to say for himself so he is taking it alllll in his stride. Alan and I went to pick him up and he escaped early! Let me explain, he is only in school from 8:55-11:30 for the first week and a half - I know!!! Tell me about it!!! When I was a kid it was like - here you go see you at 3:30! Anyway don't get me started cos I do work you know!!!! I don't get chance to play with gorgeous paper 'n stuff all day (more's the pity), so I have had to do some serious juggling whilst our UK "nanny state" deems it necessary for my child to spend a few hours here and there at school for the next 4 weeks - it's been a bit of a nightmare sorting it all out, but hey ho, that's life"

So - back to the escapee!! His school has a small part of the playground fenced off so the little blighters stay safe. The idea is that they get them all sorted with their bags and stuff , lead them through their classroom and through the side gate to line up towards the gate. Well not my kid - he's in the cloakroom, spies Alan and I waiting for him through the glass door and makes his way outside! Not bad initiative for the youngest kid in school, so you gotta hand it to him. We did march him back in to join the others though! Meanwhile he has also lost his school sweatshirt and chucked his snack box in the bin................what can I say??

He's off camping in Wales with his Dad for 2 days and I am blessed with a quiet house.......................decisions, what to do? Get drunk? Do housework? Watch a film? Go shopping?

Well none of the above I decided to "gut" my craftroom. I have knocked out the 1980's fitted cupboards and am well on the way to getting my "dream room" - more on this tomorrow. In the meantime, I think I overdid the action and my back is killing me...................................

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wot no pictures?

Yep no pictures uploaded yet - soz kids.

It's my little boys 4th Birthday today and I am stuck at work whilst he is in nursery. We sent him off with a giant squidy cake from Costco this morning, that will probably feed the whole darn nursery. It's full of really groovy ingredients like hydrogenated fats and food colouring that'll have 'em all bouncing off the walls! Let's hope it wears off by tea-time!

Got looooaddddssss of cardmaking stuff to do and I really must get down to itttt! Gotta make cards for mag and for people who kinda actually just want to buy a card to actually send or give it to someone ( weird huh?)

My good friend Sarah has just posted a 10% off everthing sale to celebrate her IVF - check it out a - Good luck to her - keeping everything crossed for you xxx

Another thing I might do is pester other half to go on the Emily Falconbridge workshop in September...............fingers crossed

Sold some of my surplus to requirements rubber stamps on Ebay last night, I just LOVE watching the bids go up it's addictive - sad but true.

I have a new addiction - Stampin Up! It's a US, Aus, and Canadian stamp company, you can only buy via their demonstrators, its a bit like Tupperware for Crafters. I just ADORE their stamps and have some of their catalogues I WANT SOME REALLY LOTS!!! I'll keep you posted.

Anyway that's all for today byeeeee

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Back to Work

Well it's been a whole 9 days since I last posted so in order to fool you all I have changed the tempate to create a "smokescreen" yey like that worked!!!

I have dragged my sorry carcass back into work this morning after the Bank Holiday. What the heck though, there is only so much sunbathing one can do. Talking of which, what the hell happened to Summer? I want my money back, I want to be whining about how "flippin hot" it is, I want to be on the verge of fainting on the way home from work 'cos my car is so hot.

Well the big news with me is that my new scrap room project is underway. I have moved into a corner of hubbys office, no doubt so he can roll his eyes at the amount of stuff I have (those pizza boxes have been turning up with amazing frequency lately). The room needs to be re-plastered but first I have to rip out the hideouse 70's built in cupboards. I drooled my way around IKEA looking for new furniture at the weekend, I can't wait to show you the finished article, I will post a before pic soon!!

I have got a real "de-junk" head on me at the moment, I don't know what it is, but I can't stop rooting through all my cupboards and bagging stuff up to chuck, sell or give to Charidy. Perhaps it's because opening drawers and cupboards in our house has become a bit of an extreme sport ha ha !! Next stop ebay to sell about 40 squillion back copies of old mags. Don't you just love ebay, its sooooo cool, I spend about 9 years taking photos, weighing stuff , uploading to turbo lister and then no-one bids!! I've got some rubber stamps up for sale at the mo, and each time a bid goes in I get really excited, it's like "someone has bid £1.76 !!!! How cool is that". I really must get a life!

And guess what I have left everything too late as per and now have more deadlines looming - I have also been invited to join a design team if I come up with the goods, so will let you know how I get on.

Bye for now

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm here!

Gosh, how much effort does it taketo write a couple of paragraphs about what I do?

Obviously far too much for me to handle!!

I had a great time at the audition last Saturday, not just your average X factor 2 min thing, but a 1 hour "master class" with a proper professional musical director. It was fab and great fun, but they are only choosing 15 people from the whole of the UK so I am not handing in my notice just yet!

Anyway just back from a 21st to bed now


Thursday, August 10, 2006

How Rubbish am I??

Well I've been a bit lax ain't I, bet you've all been gagging to find out more about my thrilling life - yeah right...........

Well back from hols, back at work and another deadline looms - hey ho!This time I ain't gonna get stressed cos it's only one and I had 3 just before I went on hols.

Whilst I was on holiday I got an email telling me I have an audition on Saturday for BBC Radio 2 Search for A Musical Theatre Star

ok ...................I'll hang on whilst you wet yourselves laughing

AHEM!! Well it's worth a go, the rest of 'em will all be about 18, stick thin, with voices like Julie Andrews, then I'll arrive with my zimmer and a voice like Hilda Ogden. Never mind - positive thinking and all that. I looked at a video clip on the t'internet of the auditions in London and I nearly ran for the hills I can tell you!

Today hubby is stuck in Athens on business and couldn't get home due to the plane thing. He rang me from the poolside bar on the roof of his hotel drinking beer and my sympathy quickly evaporated!!

Got home today and my latest project is on the front cover of Quick and Crafty Mag - I am soooooo chuffed, they are so nice to me and I love them for it. So if Andrew Lloyd Webber thinks I am pants at singing - at least I have my mega stardom as a card maker to fall back on teee heee!

Well better go and exercise my tonsils - I'll tell you all about the rejection and humiliation later this week - wish me luck!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Back in Glasgae

We left Kishorn this morning boo-hiss...back in Glasgow tonight and will be on our merry way back down South tomorrow.

Had a lovely day yesterday, went for a drive over "The Pass of the Cattle" over to Applecross Bay for a bit of a potter about. Took some arty pics in the walled garden of Applecross Estate and looked for "beach glass" on the shores. Last year when we were there a group of lads went skinny dipping. We were walking along the beach and saw a whole load of clothes and trainers being washed up.Next minute a group of 8 lads came running up stark naked and in search of their clothes.I nearly had a stroke but.........couldn't reach.................. he ahahahahahahah (old jokes are the best)

On the way home we stopped off for a spot of luncheon at The House of Bruar, kind of a Highlands Harrods with lots of Cashmere and yummy food. It' s got a sale on ha ha flippin ha, the prices have been reduced from "oh my God I need a stretcher!" to "call the bank manager to get the forms for a 2nd mortgage" needless to say I didn't buy owt!

Spent a blissful couple of hours watching telly tonight, back to normal again.

Back home to my own bed tomorrow, then work on Monday ya boo sucks.......

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ohhh it's so nice here and today is our last day. Last night we all went to Plockton by boat for dinner, the scenery is just beautiful up here and really "big" big Mountains and big Lochs.

We went to a fab restaurant called "Off the Rails" which is on the station, gorgeous food and lots of it.We arrived after a long walk up the hill from the harbour I was puffing and wheezing like a fat old pensioner by the time we got there. So we sat outside for a wee aperitif getting dive bombed by midges. Midges are rubbish and get in your eyebrows and completely do your head in!! We bid a hasty retreat inside and all was fine.

The journey back was great, almost in the dark and I sat up the front of the boat again. We then all piled into the small boat to get to shore, 6 adults and 2 kids, thank god I was inebriated cos I would have been peeing myself with fright, it all seemed a bit precarious to me!

Weather ain't brill but we are all having a quiet day around the house, I am writing this in the conservatory which has the most incredible views. Back down to Glasgow tomorrow, I haven't seen TV for almost a week - and survived!

Bye for now xx

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sailor Sam

Well here I am on the boat the other day - ain't I looking gorgeous!

OK so I have a stinking cold and the weather has turned fron "pants" to "really big pants" if I hear you are all basking in the sun down there I shall weep! However I am still having a fabby time.

Last night we went to a Ceilidh (pronounced Kaylee) for a wee dance. Gosh it was fab, the band are all students who audition and their talent just blows you away. Mind you not much of a telly signal up here so they've bags of time to practice. We had a good time and did a dance called "strip the willow" which takes about 3 hours from start to finish!

I had some great news yesterday, I have an audition for a talent search held by the BBC for a musical theatre performer. I've done loads of musical theatre since I was a kid and so this is my last ditch attempt at Fame. I'll be pushing my zimmer frame into the audition room wearing my legwarmers! Wish me luck!

Yesterday I also managed to get some time to myself and made some cards, so the stash didn't travel up here in vain. Alan is just about to go fishing so maybe I'll get chance to get something done later. Must dash I have a Haggis to catch..........

Monday, July 31, 2006

Ahoy There Shipmates!

Oh yesterday was brill, we whizzed over to Plockton on the boat and went very fast!

I sat out on the front of the boat and laughed like a drain, will upload some piccies v soon, I is looking extremely windswept.

Plockton was the setting for Hamish MacBeth with Robert Carlyle if anyone remembers, it is so nice, they used to have Highland Cows wandering about but they have been banned - apparently they were all binge drinking and making a nuisance of themselves ha ha!

Its just fab here, loads of lovely folk, all doing their little bits and bobs. There is a great wee shop which sells funky beads and wool and dreamcatchers and loads of organic food. A lady runs a bric-a-brac shop in the back garden which we had a good "mooch" about I was hoping to happen upon a tin of vintage buttons to stick on my cards..........but alas no luck! I am thinking of relocating and becoming a full time artiste! But then I would miss Matalan

Envy is a terrible thing, been having a look at other blogs, and found Elsie Flannigans, loads of pics of CHA in Chicago, envy envy green eyed monster. Plus the fact she takes ace and fabby photos and of course her work is to die for........................hey ho!

I managed to cram my stash in the car and hoping to do some creative stuff this week if I can.

That's all for now ......

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What a Dump!

Ha ha we have arrived in Kishorn, and it is GORGEOUS see the pic!! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Scottish Highlands it is flippin' miles away near to the Kyle of Lochalsh and the Isle of Skye, get a map out and weep about how far away I am!! (tee hee!)

I have had a really stressful 2 weeks at work and with deadlines (oh gosh just listen to me) so I am really glad to be here for some R&R.

People are sooooo weird! On Friday morning I dashed into town to get last minute stuff, was in a real rush with Alex in tow, who was complaining 'cos he had to walk. Our last stop was M&S to get a few nibbles and I was like COME ON ! COME ON! Hurry it up Already!

Anyhow, they have this offer on at the moment, buy more than 35 quids worth of stuff and you get a free punnet of cherries. So the woman in front has qualified for the offer and the guy on the till who looked like a uni student and was very nice and polite says "ohh you haven't picked up your free cherries". So he shouts another kid to get the free cherries. The lady then goes " well I hope they are British Cherries, because if they are those ones from Turkey I don't want them!". Well you guessed it, the guy comes back and they are Turkish. SO she says "I don't want them, I am not having them in the house, I think it's terrible that our fruit growers are struggling and M&S are buying in Cherries from Turkey!!!" Well at this point dear readers I am not sure whether to scream or laugh, fair do's she had a point but I WAS IN A RUSH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!

SO everyone in the queue is being terribly British and shuffling about uncomfortably. Uni Guy smiles and says "but they are free" Principled woman says "I don't care I don't want them!" OK so Uni guy then says "OK I am very sorry about that" she says "it's fine it' s not your fault" and he comes back with " oh but it is I am a Turkish Cherry Grower ha ha ha!!"

And so comes the punchline, she finally pays for her stuff after grumbling to a nice old couple in the queue, she has made a right issue about the damn cherries and she the says "oh go on then I'll give them to my mother - she hasn't got the same high principles as me" and sweeps out of the shop...........................!

So thanks for reading and I'll be back with more non- cherry related stories v soon ,re-reading the cherry saga makes me think of Ronnie Corbett in that big chair "and so the producer said"

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Hoots Mon!!

Well after a few days break from my fab blog that no-one in the world seems to have read yet (due to the fact I ain't told anyone about it) I am back! And in Sconnie Botland

Am in Glasgow due to the fact my hubby is a Weegie (Glaswegian) Went to a 40th Birthday party last night with an old school friend of said hubby, was just lovely, in a little village near Stirling, just gorgeous.

Bit of a whirlwind week, twas my Birfday on Tuesday, got lots of yummy pressies, topped by a fab gifty from Sarah, the most beeeeee yutiful card with a big monogram on the front, shall be framing it!

FINALLY met all my deadlines, I am NEVER EVER doing a wedding AGAIN! What a piggin nightmare

Today we are off to the Scottish Highlands for a few days to beautiful Kishorn, can't wait, got my AMM tote and bag stuffed full of supplies and tools to do some cardmaking.

That's all for now, hopefully I will figure out how to put photos on the blog this week to show you how lovely the scenery is (fingers crossed for good wevver!)

Monday, July 24, 2006


God I am almost wetting my pants with worry today.......repeat after me "I must not be a complete twonk and leave everything till the last minute ever ever ever again!!

Ran out of ribbons for the orders of service and did a mercy dash to John Lewis - I am gonna strangle the buyer who didn't think to order white organza ribbon. Thankfully Lianne ( I LOVE HER) of came to my rescue and is sending them in the post today - thank god

It's my Birthday 2moro (did I mention that??) so gotta get all this work outta the way so I can relax and drink gallons of Vino.

Still, one of my magazine articles is finally coming together after spending HOURS yesterday making 4 cards that TOADALLY like didn't look right together, they would have looked so lame it's untrue. Poor Sarah got me calling her in a panic at lunchtime stressing that I had run out of the Bazzill I needed - it's OK Sarah I was just being a nutter

Well must crack on ........................bye for now

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Deadlines, Deadlines
Arrrggghhh!!! Got 3 deadlines to keep this week for 2 mags and my neighbours Orders of Service for her wedding. Off on hols on Friday so got lots to do before then. Of course with deadlines looming I've lost my flippin creative mojo....................eeeekkk!!!

Had a lovely night out with DH and 2 friends last night, went to a Thai Restaurant and I was on Moet!!! Not normally but it was to celebrate my friends birthday and mine next week (form an orderly queue with my cards and pressies) ha ha ha!!

Well better get back to it starting to panic a wee bit now............................

Saturday, July 22, 2006

22nd July

Well here it is my very first post on my blog. Not sure what I am gonna talk about, so be warned this blog carries a coma warning (you may be that bored)

Yesterday I started work again on my neighbours Orders of Service for her wedding. Oh lordy, next time someone asks me to to wedding invitations I think I am gonna pretend to be dead! What a flippin' palava. Why did I think it was a great idea to put 6 (yes 6!) weeny punched flowers with a gemstone in the middle on each one. Plus I thought they would look v groovy if I machine stitched vellum to each one too - put it this way the air was blue last night. Have you any idea how difficult it is to get machine sewing perfect on paper.........................arggghhhh!!!

Well I am well on the way to finishing - the heat doesn't help either.

Yesterday I bought some scrapping goodies and loads of ribbon from Sarah of SarahsCards. My dear friend is leaving work so I have got together some lovely stuff for her so she can start scrapping.

OK well that's it for today..........hope no-one dropped off zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................will be putting pics of me (yuck!) and other bits and bobs on once I can get my act together, so please stay tuned xxxx