Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Get a load of this photo, now I HATE having pics of me I suppose most people do, but on Sarah's retreat last weekend I met Anita Mundt for the first time and she was doing photo shoots and look what she did - I could weep for I am not photogenic at all and I am sooooooooo chuffed with this. A very big thank you to her.

This was the first retreat I had taught at and I had a great time, all those involved were just lovely. Jools did us all proud again with her fab cooking ably assisted by Sarah's Mummy Wendy.

Sarah, who is pregnant with twins for goodness sake did a great job with her goody bags AND she hauled all her gorgeous stock with her of which I did partake (what a surprise.......) A great time was had by all.

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

It was a wonderful day, wasn't it? And you taught like a pro, very calm and efficient, with a cosy edge to you. So glad I didn't need those Portuguese strawberries I brought to throw at you. I ate them on the way home - you're right. Tasteless.