Thursday, May 17, 2007

Is Noah Coming?

Oh my lord, global warming, more like global drowning, what the heck is all this flipping rain about? So it gets very warm a few weeks ago and I dashed out to the shops flinging colin credit card hither and thither to buy sarongs for work (since it was so boiling) and now look what has happened! I would have been better off buying a sou'wester! But blow me I am wearing that white linen skirt and pale pink ballet shoes, even if I have to wade from my car into the office!

I finally took the plunge and changed my mobile phone from BT Mobile to Vodaphone cos (a)BT seemed to have been charging me half the national debt of Chile to make a teeny amount of necessary calls and (b)The choice of new phones for the total gadget freaky geeky I am were PANTS.

So I got myself a nice new shiny Sony Ericcsson summat or other, the guy in the shop said "oooh and it comes with a memory card included free" - Crikey, he opens this "flap" on the side of the phone which is about the size of a baby's fingernail and pulls out something the size of a molecule which I goggled at and then mentally made a note never to touch it, cos if I drop that on the floor I ain't never gonna find it EVER!!!

I settled down for a nights TV viewing tonight. which for me is a rarity, and stumbled on a programme on Channel 4 about "embarrassing illnesses", well I do have a streak of the morbid about me and I am not squeamish at all so I think it might be worth a whirl. How wrong could I be? Suffice to say I am glad I wasn't eating. This bloke comes on saying he had piles, so this young doc gets him to remove his strides to have a quick butchers at them. At this point I am thinking "surely they ain't gonna show some geezers piles on colour TV......................" WRONG!!!!! OH MY GOD, this guy had piles like a bunch of grapes and the doc then proceeds to show photos of some other poor individuals bottoms with even worse piles. Now I can watch all sorts of gore normally, but I must say I have never changed channels so rapido in my life! So my TV viewing is over for tonight!

Got my sub copy of Quick and Crafty mag today and my latest project is in it, I still get a real buzz seeing stuff in print, I am very lucky that they like my stuff and I get chance to see it in print - such a nice feeling

Anyway, think I might venture back onto the couch for some "pile free" TV

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