Thursday, June 21, 2007

Flippin 'eck

Phew (collapses into a heap!) that's another working week over with, I normally work 3 days but this week I worked 4 and boy did it suck.

I am KNACKERED (I am also such a laydeeee hee hee)

Got home to my very first kit from ModScraps which is from the Love Elsie range- Toby. - yey!

I just love getting those pizza boxes in the post. Thank goodness our postie has twigged that he can leave packages like this behind the planter next to the front door otherwise I would have been faced with a traipse to the post office that closes for pick up half past sodding two ( I told you I was a laydeee) I mean what's all that about? Most of the world shops on-line but it closes in the middle of the flippin' day (DOH!)

Off to Edinburgh tomoz, hoots mon! Hubby is working up there and has his own flat for a few months and I have yet to see it. We are off to the Hard Rock Cafe for scoff and a thimbleful of wine (yeah right!) tomorrow night so that should be larvelly.

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