Sunday, July 29, 2007

Laptop Heaven

Well those birthday cheques hit my bank account and pogo-ed straight out of there into the hands of John Lewis. Yep I got the laptop yey!!! It is a yummy HP Pavillion , I REALLY wanted a MACbook but it was out of my budget so I have the HP instead, and it has a webcam. Great feature but I don't know anyone else with a webcam so when I switch it on all I can see is my face looking like I am looking into the back of a spoon, most attractive I don't think, plus I seem to have about 8 chins!

I went to a wedding yesterday, I love a good wedding, the weather stayed fine too! We stopped at a petrol station and I got wolf whistled and the guy behind the counter said how much he liked my perfume, so there is life in the old dog (me) yet. At one point during the disco I realised my camera had gone missing from the table and was franctic, I searched everywhere and ended up stomping up to the DJ to ask him if he could make an announcement, in fact I think I said "some robbing B***** has nicked my camera can you say something" - he actually said "has anyone found a camera". I was gutted, it was a present from my Mum and Dad last year, then at the last minute I saw the camera strap dangling out of Alan's kilt jacket (for he is Scottish) - he put it in there and forgot! I didn't know whether to laugh or smack him one! In the end I laughed.

So it's more work on my commissions today (yikes better get a move on) 2 more days at work then I am off to Edinburgh and the Highlands - cool................................


Classroomfree said...

Oooh, lucky you regarding the laptop. Nice to have a new toy to play with :oD Eeeek about the "lost" camera at the wedding, hope you can laugh about it now!

Paula Pascual said...

Sam, you have been tagged!