Thursday, August 30, 2007

"They Tried to Make me Go to rehab - I said no no no.........."

OK I am feeling a little like Amy WINEhouse - me and Mr Chardonnay are more than just good friends right now - hey ho, if it dulls the pain/stress/etc then I think it is OK. Besides a stay in the Priory might just be fun eh?

ANY -HOO , we officially started house hunting in Edinburgh today - OH MY GOD

OK this is how it works. People selling houses up here pick some totally random figure of a price they would like you pay - you then have to make them an offer over that figure, and we are not talking maybe 2 or 3 grand more................we are talking maybe 2 or 3 HUNDRED grand more. They are "sealed bids" so you have no idea whether your bid will be accepted. To me it sounds like a recipe for total heartache and stress and frankly I DO NOT need any more of that right now thanks very much.

So tonight we went to see the most heart breakingly beautiful house which has a guide price we could afford but not offers over. Edinburgh is probably now on a par with London prices, we currently live in a 6 bedroom house in Cheshire and there is NO WAY we can afford that here. OH and just in case you think I am a posh tart............I am not - 2 of the 6 bedrooms are used as offices and most of the rooms still need to be "done up". We were just very lucky to find a house at a very reasonable price which needed a lot of TLC.

Anyway apart from all that I am fine and dandy and Alex is 5 tomorrow so that will be a nice day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck with the house hunting. Edinburgh, huh? I've been itching to get to Scotland one of these years.

Hope you find something suitable and affordable.