Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ebay Geek

OK so I have about 40 items for sale on ebay at the moment (check me out, my ID is Samantha725 ........ohhhh Sunday name)

I LOVE ebay and have sold bits and bobs over the last year or two, but in light of our move in the next few months I am seriously in a de-clutter mood. I log onto ebay every 2 seconds to check out who is bidding on my stuff I am like a big kid. I have so much more to sell, I am quite obsessed with it, plus I can't bear the thought of a car boot sale with people touching stuff and offering me 5p for treasured crafting bits!!!!!

It's a bit of a pain doing the photos, weighing stuff for postage and writing it all up on ebay but I still like it.

Anyway I must go check on my stuff ......

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