SECC ............grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Well I was fortunate to be North of the border this weekend, as I could go to the Hobby Crafts show at the SECC.
Craftwork Cards, Art from the Heart and Hobby Horse Crafts were all there, which was great and that was where I said hi and got big hugs from Julie Hickey but to be honest the rest of the show was very disappointing. The booths were tiny and it was very crowded. The organisers must have made a lot of money but I was not impressed! The crafters North of the Border are not well served with this show at all. I don't want to go to a show to see stands selling gold chains or nail varnish - come on ICHF make it easier for the "real" born and bred craft shops to have a real go at selling their wares in Scotland. OK so the NEC is more central and it is expensive to exhibit but it would be nice to see more shops at the SECC next year, there was a lot of cut price tat there this year and as member of the public I do begrudge paying £6.50 for that!
OK this post may not make me popular but I am mad!!!!
Your post is popular with me!!! I was there yesterday and you could have been me saying all that!
Oh dear, that doesn't sound at all good!
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