Thursday, February 14, 2008

Busy Busy........!!!

What a week! The flurry of activity on the house front has been exhausting, but it will be worth it I am certain. Alex is on half term so we travelled up to Edinburgh last night. Haven't done any crafting AT ALL just been so busy sorting stuff out. We have a cellar which consists of three rooms and they are all stuffed to the gunnells. The house we are moving to has a total of ...........NO cellar at all. EEEKKK! Every time I go down to our cellar I feel like having hysterics, lord knows what I am going to do with it all. Added to that we have brought back the last bits and pieces from Mum and Dads house.

If anyone knows of a good cause for baby toys/equipment / books in Cheshire, please let me know. We've been to the charity shop so often I think they think we are moving in.

I was planning on going to "Stitches" the trade show on Monday at the NEC with Sarah but I have to get on with de-junking the house....................ugh!


Anna said...

are you registered on ? Great set up, you offer your junk and people come and collect it!

Carole Bryson said...

I was just about to say put it on Freecycle - it was brilliant when I moved in the summer ... everything, even down to a bag of plugs and wires was taken !

Of course I'll help you sort out your stash !!!!

Unknown said...

so when is the move to edinburgh-welcome!

Unknown said...

so when is the move to edinburgh-welcome!