Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ohhh hark at Me

Well I am finally "famous" ha ha not really. Well this month in Craftbusiness Magazine I have been "Profiled", I was interviewed a couple of months ago, about my crafting. Yeah Sam , What flippin' crafting ?? I hear you say. I know, I know, normal service will be resumed soon.....

Any-hoo, anyone who knows me will know I can talk the hind leg off a donkey, and send a glass eye to slepp, so I pity the lovely Beverley who interviewed me! I went off on so many tangents that I am impressed she managed to put together such a great piece of writing. The only downside is, ahem! the pics of the work around the article aren't actually mine. An easy mistake, and I would like to thank the real designer Maria McPherson, her stuff is lovely (but it isn't mine..)

Right then, off to make some thank you cards for Alex's school, end of an era tomorrow, his last day in his current primary school awwwwwww

1 comment:

Micayla said...

Found you from the blog a thon on UKS!
Congrats on the profile piece, it is always cool to be in a mag!