Friday, May 09, 2008

Bad Blogger

Cor Blimey how bad have I been, haven't blogged in aaages.

OK so I have been working on some mag projects, and tomorrow I am going to my first Scottish crop. I am taking my laptop to do some Digi Scrapping - yey! No doubt I will be heckled as I will be without, paper, inks etc. Actually knowing me, I will spend most of my time gabbing and eating snacks.

Just watching a great programme on Peggy Lee on BBC4, since my maiden name was Lea, and my Auntie was called Peggy, I am related to Peggy Lea (OK TOTALLY tenuous link there)

Got a great new column in Quick and Crafty mag coming up soon, focusing on blogs , so I am going to spend even more time blog-hopping.

1 comment:

Carole Bryson said...

More time blog hopping ??? *insert shocked smiley*

*hides blog*