Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Loyalty Points at the Dentist?

Yup you guessed it, I was back again to the dentist today, the filling didn't help AT ALL. The pain this morning was excruciating, at dinner last night when the tears were running down my face with pain, Alan helpfully said "yes it is universally acknowledged by all that toothache is the worst pain ever" then he added "wish I could help you darlin' but I can't" Do you think a judge would have convicted me if I'd killed him on the spot??

I was driving Alex across town this morning and the pain was so bad I don't even remember much of the journey, every time we had to stop at a traffic light I rested my head on the steering wheel.

So full of the usual trepidation I set off for the dentist - again! First thing they needed to do was take an X-Ray, you should have seen the size of the X-Ray thingy he wanted to stuff in my cakehole "oh it's a bit big, I need a smaller one" - yes said I "use the ones you use for toddlers". So I managed that 20 second ordeal without wanting to retch (Just!!) Honestly it was like biting down on a toblerone and getting the mountain stuck on the inside of your mouth (a la Billy Connolly). The upshot was ROOT CANAL WORK

OK if you have never had ROOT CANAL WORK stop reading this post and make a promise to yourself to brush 6 times a day and floss every 10 mins to avoid this torture.

He numbed my mouth - no fear of throat closure today, then he starts to drill and he used that drill that is BIG and low pitched and I swear my brain was vibrating and wolves were howling in nearby woods.

Then he tells me I cannot close my mouth, now I don't know about you but most of my dental fear isn't about pain, but it's about choking to death in that chair or retching. So I swallow A LOT when I have various instruments of torture crammed into my SMALL mouth to avoid such a dreaful fate, and now I am told I can't swallow, and the dental assistant (blonde, and aged about 18 ) is pratting about somewhere by my side and not using the sucker up thing to get rid of all the drool. So this was really not easy and sod him I did swallow a few times and he tutted. No matter, I finally braved the ordeal there is nothing sweeter than hearing the phrase "OK you can rinse now" I was shaking from head to toe, but at least it was over.

"OK Mrs Currie, we have only just started I need to see you again for 45 mins this week to finish the job and done't bite on that side because your tooth may crack WIDE open"

OH MY GOD.......................................................


Lainy's Little Blog said...

Poor you! What an ordeal - I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I have a little something for you on my blog to hopefully cheer you up!

Unknown said...

Snap! Had initial root treatment last Thursday - numbed up to my forehead! Hoped it would help the frown lines, ha! ha! Back today for 2nd stage, expecting to be numbed up again - pain is my biggest fear. Just about died of fright when she started drilling WITHOUT the anaesthetic! She stopped drilling & informed me that there wasn't any point as she had removed the nerve last week & I wouldn't feel anything. She was bearly right - had wee twinges now & again but nothing like the pain last week. However I was sooo tense through the entire procedure & I need to go back for a third. On a positive note - I'm pain free! And you will be too tomorrow!

Looking forward to September 4th.