Thursday, August 07, 2008

Funny Old Day

One year ago tonight I had the most awful phone call to tell me my Mum had died suddenly at home. Sadly my Dad, who had cancer, had died only 9 weeks previously, my poor Mum was devastated, they met when they were about 19 years old and my Dad was in the army, he met her on New Years Eve and proposed after 2 weeks. They were made for each other and treated each other so kindly, they really were soul mates.

Tragically, they both endured the loss of my brother almost 10 years ago, and I think after the loss of Marcus and my Dad, Mum died of a broken heart................. I miss herand my Dad very very much.

So tonight we went to the Edinburgh Tattoo as a family Alan, Alex and I, and it was so moving, it was amazing and Alan and I shed some tears at the sheer size and emotion of the whole event.

It's time to move on and live my life as they would have wanted with Alan and Alex, happy in Edinburgh. No more sadness, only happiness and thankful that I had such a loving, wonderful parents and a very nutty brother.

Mum, Dad and Marcus I miss you and love you all, it almost felt that you were there tonight.

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