Saturday, November 15, 2008


OK someone has been slipping alcohol into my tea, I feel a teeny bit weird at the moment, kinda woozy. Apparently this is normal and it does feel kind of fun..........

It's a lovely day here in Edinburgh so we are off to the pub for luncheon.


Kirsty Wiseman said...

thinking of you sam.....I dont think of my own problems when I think of the shit you have been through this last two years.
We should both go out when you are ready and get wasted.

Carol Ann said...

Sam I hope you are ok. Haven't ordered the catalogue still no paypal acct.

I agree with Kirsty when your ready both of you go and have a ball ... or get wasted which sounds even better! perhaps you could persuade kirsty to leave the four legged one at home :) xx