Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fitness Freak

I am now nearing the end of my chemo, only one more to go on the 7th April, then I get 3-4 weeks off for good behaviour and then the 5 weeks of radiation zapping starts - joy!

Anyway, since I have been on chemo I have been eating like a horse, a bloody big horse. Bald and fat is a great look I can assure you. Think of chemo and you think of people with their heads stuck down the lavvy, not me, haven't felt sick once. This is great news, I won't bore you with my vomit phobia but as you can imagine I have been darned glad that I haven't chucked up.

So, basically I eat, I eat lots, then I eat some more. Cake? Bring it on! Afternoon snack? Yes indeedy! I have never been picker, I have been blessed for most of my life with a pretty good metabolism so really I should weigh a heck of a lot more, but my metabolism is now on its knees begging for mercy, the tide has turned and my weight has soared.

So, what to do? From my hours of endless internet trawling and scaring the (big) pants off myself, it seems that research has proved that a low fat diet coupled with exercise is the best way to ward off further recurrence. Cool, having breast cancer sucks a lot, I was hoping a high fat champagne laden , lardy arse regime would be just the ticket instead - ha!!

Don't get me wrong, I do eat quite healthily but I do have a penchant for mayonnaise and butter, which I suppose will have to get chucked out of the window now.

Diet will actually be the least of my challenges. It's the exercise that bothers me. I am totally unsporty, check out the evidence

1. I have dreadful hand/eye co-ordination, I would struggle to hit a football with a bin lid.

2. I was the one they used to moan about when picking teams in PE at school, having me on your team was a total bummer.

3. I had a friend at school who spent time with her legs in calipers..............she regularly beat me at badminton

4. I gave up PE in 4th year to do art

5. I have been a member of 5 fitness clubs but never go, I might as well say "hi, here's £400 you'll never see me again.

It's not looking good is it?

I seethe with resentment at sporty types, if I see a lycra clad cyclist I want to run 'em over, see a jogger, I want to trip them up. The reason why? They make me feel bad about myself. I just don't get this urge to go off and do "fitness stuff". It baffles me, I can't see the attraction, and I am as jealous as HELL, I want to be like them, I want to be beautifully fit and toned and THIN! I wish there was a button someone could press which made me want to exercise, ugh but I don't know how.

The other night I listened to "stop being a fat git" (AKA as "I can make you thin") by Paul McKenna on my iphone in bed. I figured this could be the easy "get motivated by process of osmosis" or something , method. Well I drifted off and stopped the playback and awoke to the sound of voices, I thought I was having some miraculous clairvoyant experience, turns out Paul was still wittering on through the headphones on the floor next to the bed. He'd been going on like this all night, pity I didn't have the headphones in my lugs, I could have woken up a size 8. Ha! dream on.

I suppose the only way I am going to lose weight, get fit and keep healthy is to get motivated..............................any tips?


Juliet said...

Love your writing style Sam - you make something awful sound funny! The eating began for me on day 1 of chemo 1, (always been size 12, never an enormous appetite and not into exercise either) BUT NOW!!! I'll be lucky to get in the door by chemo 6! Just love the way you deal with all this - you help me so much. Janet xx

Anne said...

I can really identify with waking up with Paul McKenna scarring you because he's still talking! I'm the last person to advise on fitness, having tried and failed myself (many times) to keep up any kind of fitness regime. If you find the answer, I'd love to know!

Jo Austin said...

I love how you write! I have dropped by your blog this morning, first time, and been sat here for ages reading... lol..

Keep your pecker up lass.. at least you havne't lost your sense of humour.. lol.

Love Jo xx

Kirsty Wiseman said...

staple your gob shut, love.
Works for me.....hubby did it of course of which I retaliated by lobbing off a small part of his anatomy. In this case, his brain.

Rustyhammer said...

That was entertaining reading! I'm ok at going to the gym - started going with a friend - thats usually more motivating. Its the eating I have a problem with - I just keep doing it. So I'm fit and fat!