Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chickennnnnnnnns

Lay a little egg for meeeeeeee!

The girls have finally arrived and are now settled into their new high tech home. Someone on Twitter said it looks like "the iMac" of the farming world, which is apt.

The brown one is Clover, the black one is Lily.

Lily is definitely the boss, she is a little bit braver than Clover - check out the pose.

Getting the girls home was a scream, they sat in a cardboard box, clucking away then it went quiet and we heard a "splat!" ewwwww chicken poo!

Needless to say that box is now away in the bin.

Almost as soon as they arrived they started scratching and making holes to sit in. They are very funny. Yesterday afternoon I heard Lily kicking off , making loud clucks!!! Hooray an egg I thought...... no chance, it was next doors cat staring in fascination at them through the hedge.

We don't expect eggs for a few weeks whilst they settle in. We can't let them free range in the garden for about 5 days since they need to know where "home" is. I'll be letting them out and keeping an eye on them in case Fantastic Mr Fox pops by anytime.

It's all very exciting.


Paul B said...

Aww seeing your green eglu & your two hens - they look exactly like the ones we had - same eglu and everything. Making me miss them already. I'm sure you'll get great pleasure from these madams. Pxx

Carol Ann said...

They are sooo cute and I'm quite sure the eggs when they do eventually arrive will be delish x

Jo Bryan said...

I want an eglu, *stamps feet* have I missed the prep story for it, I thought our garden may be too small but seeing that, I could easily give too chucks a home.

Kim Dellow said...

Oh wow, I have a dream to keep chickens - can't fo in our one bed flat but maybe one day :) Kim