When I tell people that I use Twitter, most people snort derisively, tell me I have too much time on my hands or say "oh that's for geeks! who wants to know what people are saying about their sad little lives? Tweeting? it's a waste of time".
Actually, I often find it's quite difficult to tell people what Twitter is all about. I wind up saying stuff like " oh well ya know you let people know what you are doing in 140 characters or less, and you er like, follow people and they ermm, well, they can follow what you are doing" and so it goes on. This fails to impress most people and in some ways I can understand. I really believe you have to use and experience Twitter before you really "get it".
For me, moving up to Edinburgh has been a perfect excuse to use Twitter. Edinburgh is a fabulous place to live, 16 months after moving here I still feel very privileged to live here and experience all the city has to offer. A vibrant, but relatively small city, Edinburgh attracts a lot of interesting, creative people and Twitter has given me the chance to meet some of them.
I moved here already knowing several people, I've made friends with other mothers from school and I have some fab neighbours too. Working from home, has meant that I don't have an office to go to and people to socialise and chew the fat with on a day to day basis. Twitter has changed that for me.
Every Friday morning a fairly sizeable group of people gather at Centotre in George St for coffee, bacon sarnies and chat. The group have been meeting for about 3 years, long before Twitter. I stumbled across it via Twitter, it took me a few months to summon up courage to go along and I did so whilst I was going through my cancer treatment. I was made to feel very welcome, I've met some fabulous friends who I tweet with on a daily basis, I've been to a "tweet up" and met more, and I am due to attend another in September which will raise money for charity.
I've met a great group of Tweeps , Amy, Juliet, Darcie, Bettina, Jackie and Kate and Andy. They have all been so very supportive of me during my treatment (which is now well behind me), both online and in person. They've made me feel good about myself at a time where the old confidence has taken a hell of a bashing. On a recent night out, Darcie took this picture of me, I do not photograph well, but I love, love love this one.
You tweeps are fab and I love you all.................. x
Such a gorgeous photo & you do look beautiful, happy & healthy. I agree with you ...twitter is so easy (must be if I've got it!) & brill when working from home. It's not just "I have just made a cup of tea!" Try it & see.
When you work from home, Twitter is what you have instead of colleagues. I love it!
You are looking really good Sam.
Hiya Sam you look great, I hope things are going well with you now.
Shaz xxxx
I agree I have just writtena review about it and you only "get it" when you use it!
I remember that night - you looked fab. Sorry its taken me so long to find your blog. Im enjoying being inspired by you! Kate x
P.s i have to sign in with my blogger account, but i blog under www.misssmidge.blog.me.uk
P.p.s we need another night out soon x
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