Friday, April 20, 2012

New Stuff

I'm rather obsessed with pattern and colour, I guess that's what drives most crafters huh?

When I first started card making I loved all the scrapbook supplies, the patterned and coloured paper, and although I don't make cards any longer, I am still very much drawn to the same things but in fabric form.

A while ago I read about a new surface pattern design  course run by two very inspirational ladies Beth Nicholls  and  Rachel Taylor. I've read and re-read all the blurb and testimonials about this course and ummed and aaahed about taking the plunge but today I had my "life's too short" head on and I have registered for the first module, which starts on Monday.

I'm rather terrified and excited at the same time,

As you can see, I am currently using a generic blog header which is a teeny bit embarrassing given the fact I am waxing lyrical about my obsession with pattern eh? Hopefully I will be able to put my soon to be learned skills in place very soon.

Have a great weekend!

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