Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Average Contents of a Loft

  • 30 odd Beano, Dandy, My Guy Annuals
  • LOTS of dust
  • Cut glass bowls (loads of the damn things)
  • Almost all the Christmas cards sent to my Grandparents.....(huh?)
  • Great grandmothers death certificate
  • Books about Hollywood stars in the 1950's (very cool)
  • Love letters sent to me (a whole 2 of 'em)
  • Photos taken by me of Charles and Diana when I was 19 and I met em (very spesh)

hmmmm lots of stuff still to be cleared out of Mum and Dad's loft, the clearing continues and now I am dealing with estate agents (joy!)

Also, two rants

1. on the first day back at school some pencil pushing ee-jet decides to close a road on the school run. We were HALF an hour late and escorted to the classroom by the headmistress (eeek) I had to write "I must get my arse in gear faster each morning" 50 times on the blackboard. Not really, she was lovely, I almost hugged her!

2. Why is it that people are so damn incompetent. Despite asking the morons at the local Spar to "CANCEL THE PAPERS AND MAGAZINES as my Mum has died" ", they still continue to send them. A family friend has seen them right. Also a woman we went to see about my Mum's accounts at the building society, sent a letter offering her a new account which I opened this morning. I rang the branch and said verrry slowly " PLEASE .........................TAKE .........................HER .......................OFF............ YOUR ..............................MAILING.............................. LIST" How difficult is it to do a job this easy???

OH and .........

3. Apple have just announced a complete revamp of the iPod...........Cheers Mr Jobs, now my coolio iPod is out of date..........

Annnnnd Relax..........rant over, sorry bout that xx

1 comment:

Carole Bryson said...

The best one we ever had after my dad died was a rather insistent foreign gentleman who wouldn't (or couldn't) understand that my dad had 'passed away' .. he kept pushing to speak to him ... in the end the phone call went like this:-

FG:- Can I speak to Mr Bryson
Me (angrily):- I've told you he's not here, he passed away
FG:- So exactly where would he be now
Me (sighing):- in Heaven
FG:- ... and that would be where ?
Me (laughing to myself):- in the sky
FG:- So he's in the Isle of Skye ?
Me:- No
FG:- is there another skye ?
Me:- Yes. I suggest you go to the nearest window. Open it. Look up. That is the sky.
FG:- Oh. He's in an aeroplane on a trip ?
Me:- No. He's dead. Finito. End of. His soul has passed away. He's gone. Never to return.
FG:- Oh. I understand now - so he's obviously not there to take my call ?
Me:- No.
FG:- Oh.
Me:- Is that it no ?
FG:- Well its just that he's won some money on the GPO raffle.
Me:- Well you could send it to his widow - my mother.
FG:- Yes I will.

I came off the phone howling laughing. Phoned my dads old boss to explain the conversation - and within two days my mum received a cheque for £250 from the monthly raffle. That conversation was 16 years ago and I remember it like it was tomorrow.

Anyway ... i'm waffling. Just wanted you to know i am reading and i'm feeling the hurt for ya.

Also understand about Scottish Property Law - the only consolation is that at least you don't get anyone pulling out of a contract at the last minute.

Hugs 'n' snogs - me xxxxxx