Monday, February 02, 2009

On the subject of wigs

OK two posts in one day ho ho!!

Last week my blog was a bit on the quiet side as I was away with work, visiting my chums down in Cheshire. I was very well looked after by my BF Janey and her husband who took one look at my bald bonce and started doing impressions of the martians on the Smash advert from waaaayyy back. His new name for me is "Smashy" (cheers Paul!!)

Any - hoo, it was the first time my workmates had seen my wig, now these dudes have known me for years and speak their minds. Consensus seemed to be that my wig was a bit, well ,....."wiggy". I had convinced myself that it looked OK (ish). The "wiggy-ness" was further confirmed by the "is she wearing a wig?" looks I kept getting in the restaurant at work which really started to get on my nerves. I was on the verge of making a big badge which said "yes it's a bloody wig OKAY!!!!!"

Most people up in Edinburgh have been like "Oooohhhh a wig??? You're wearing a wig??NOOOOOO I would never have known" Sheesh, so now I am not sure whether I look like a total joke or reasonably OK, bloody hell..........

The other thing about said wig, is that it has to be washed, it certainly gives new meaning to "I can't come out tonight cos I am washing my hair" when you have a wig to wash, that is actually true! When I bought the wig I also bought some "special" shampoo and conditioner. The conditioner smells a bit familiar, I swear I bought Lenor !!!

I bought a scarf since the wig is now getting me down, I wore it on the drive home from Cheshire ( all 4 hours of it.....) . Now a scarf evokes more looks from people, but they tend to be more "awwwww she's got/had cancer" rather than "you look like a FREAK" so it's great for the sympathy vote. In fact a guy who looked like he was on parole, almost broke his neck opening a door for me....................So now my dilemma every morning is what to wear on my head.

Ah well Chemo numero 5 for me tomorrow, fingers crossed for no horrid side effects, I'll keep you posted.

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