I went to see Russell Brand last night, with hubby at the Edinburgh Playhouse. It was one of my Christmas presents from him. He was good, very funny, but his obsession with "getting jiggy with it" has now worn a bit thin.
The place was full of young girls one girl was being a right pain in the bum shouting stuff out all the time, he got to a point where he warned her she was going to get chucked out. He came out into the foyer at the end of the gig which caused a right kerfuffle as it meant a long wait to get out of the theatre. A guy near us with an urgent need to catch a train, and, it seemed, a great liking for the "F" word was kicking off big time!!!
I went to the loo before we left and there were a couple of young girls putting lots of "slap" on, presumably with a view to seeing Russell in the foyer. I was wearing my headscarf and my eyes are sore and puffy from the chemo lately. I looked ancient compared to them and felt really crap, hubby and I left through another door as lots of girls were leaving with autographs on their chests..........................heck I feel like a pensioner......
ahhh.... you're not past it yet!!!
What can I say without sounding trite? It must have been a horrid situation for you. I have nothing but admiration for you - you come across as very positive, upbeat and to be honest I didnt even realise you were ill from your blog.
I never feel like I manage to find the right words to convey what I mean, but it's always better (imho) to say something rather than nothing, even if what you say doesnt always come out right. I hope you can gather the jist of the sentiment, anyway!
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