Saturday, April 11, 2009


Remember when you did exams and couldn't wait for them to be over? Well it's a bit like that with chemo, I've been waiting for months for the drudgery to be over and it finally happened this week as you know, and the whole thing has been a bit of a sodding anticlimax. When I finished exams I would spend a week or so in some sort of limbo - land, obviously glad that they were over but every now and then a little voice would pop up in the back of my head saying "you should be REVISING"

Funnily enough, I realised yesterday that we had been in this house for 6 months to the day when I got diagnosed and this week as my chemo ended we've been in the house one year! Last June I was talking to Alan's cousin (she's the closest I have to having a sister really) we were talking about how happy we are in Edinburgh and the new house etc and I remember distinctly saying how I just KNEW something else was coming my way, something bad......weird huh? I must be a witch!

Anyway just to add a bit more spice to my week I had a message on my phone from the hospital telling me I had to go in for a heart scan and it was pretty urgent!! EEEEKK! Well I did have one before I started chemo, just to make sure that "the ol' swinging brick" was up to being subjected to 6 months of poison. Seemingly at the end of said poisoning they need to know if the heart has been damaged in any way. So off I trotted yesterday for me ol' heart scan and I had forgotten how utterly charming and lovely the cardiologist is. He is a small very well spoken Indian chap, puts me in mind of Ghandi (without the loin cloth obviously, that sort of garb would not be tolerated in hospital).

He is just so lovely and let me look at my heart on the monitor as he scanned it, most interesting to see it was doing so well and of course very reassuring. Not one iota of damage has been inflicted which is fab, but I almost asked him to scan my liver too, I am guessing that is not so squeaky clean (oops!). At the end of the scan he said "here are some tissues to wipe the jelly off your chest" and I replied "blimey that's not something I hear every day" hee heee.........

Alan has been bedridden for 24 hours with a chest infection and I am also suffering from one too, although our joint intake of antibiotics seems to be paying off, it's a glorious day here in the "Burgh that is Edin" but we are just taking it easy.

Meanwhile I must crack on with my mammoth Christmas project for one of the mags I do work for hey ho!!!

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