Thursday, April 09, 2009

Rubbish Blogger

Well I haven't been up to much over the last few days hence the lack of posts. Chemo went well, still feeling no ill effects, I do however have a hacking cough which is driving me nuts as well as the rest of the family (all 3 of us LOL!)

Currently working on a BIG Christmas project for a mag, that I obviously can't share with you, I know - Christmas!! NUTS EH??

Anyway that has to rank as the most booorrrring blog post ever, but I can't seem to magic up any funnies or exciting happenings today, stick we me dear chums I'll be back on form real soon.

Meanwhile, happy Easter!!!

1 comment:

Carol Ann said...

Happy Easter Sam. Can't be funny all of the time :) Don't know how you can come up with Chrissie cards at this time of the year! I'm still getting over last years efforts :)