Sheeesh, crappy weekend...............
I have had a "why me?"/"it's not fair"/"I look like shit"/"I am fat" totally mad mood swing raging time of it over the last 24 hours. I have wept, shouted, thrown things and generally been a complete cow.
Added to that I have heartburn, flatulence , constipation, raging thirst, and up 4 times a night for a wee/Gaviscon. Call Dynarod!
I hate my effing wig, I hate my bald head and I am indulging in a complete funk.
I know, I KNOW, I KNOW , I am lucky!!!! Physically I have been very very lucky, ditto with the prognosis, I could be in a far, far worse place.................
Still,emotionally, I am struggling a wee bit, thanks Cancer, thanks a suck and I want my normal life back.
It is ok to have an off day, you can't possibly be up-beat all the time and I am sure everyone understands when you have a bad day. Go with it for a while, indulge yourself in it for a few hours, let yourself feel crap,stop fighting the feeling for a few hours and allow youself a little time to feel sorry/ bad/ angry. Tomorrow can be a new day with everything off your chest. Allow yourself to be how you feel just for a little while. We all know you will pick yourself back up, and if you are not able, those around you will.
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
Things will get back to normal you just have to be patient, I know easy for me to say!!!!!
There is no doubt there will be a few more angry horrible days before you finally start feeling like the old Sam again but you will get there your a gutsy lady there's a loving family and many friends all rooting for you Sam never forget that.
The big question is how tidy is that craft room :)
Big big hugs Sam xxxxxxx
Oh I really feel for you honey. Tomorrow will be a better day. its great you have this blog to vent onto at times - it must be of some comfort to you I know I for one share your pain and wish I could do more to help.
Aww hun, you are entitled to feel like that and you let it all out.
Missing you around
Well, I don't really know what to write as I haven't been through what you are going through at the moment and I can only imagine your situation. I just wanted to send you my best wishes and I know you will get through this and come out the other side. It is normal to feel this way as we all know and however horrible things are at the moment it will get better. This is my first post to your blog as I have been lurking for some time, sorry! I hope you are feeling better tomorrow x
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