Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Look Good Feel Better

Yesterday afternoon I went to the Maggies Centre in Edinburgh for a 2 hour "Look Good Feel Better" session. It was brilliant, it's a totally free afternoon where you get presented with a HUGE goody bag (check it out) and they take you through putting your "face" on. The products are supplied by the major cosmetic companies and they send consultants from department stores to help out on the day.

I had a great time, it was quite a hoot. The lady in charge was very nice (put me in mind of Elsie Tanner) but a tad on the bossy\patronising side "we've had cancer love, WE HAVEN'T LOST OUR MARBLES.........." I came out looking more glam and learned how to apply eyeliner to my upper eyelid, a skill that has so far evaded me.

EDITED: OMG Michelle Obama and Sarah Brown visited a Maggies Centre in London this morning and sat in on a Look Good Feel Better session - what a co-incidence!

I have also booked a personal training session so I can prise my lardy arse off the sofa. I am not sure how I will feel on the day, fit peoples brains seem to be wired a whole lot differently to mine. They seem to worship lycra and enjoy exercise (weird!). Anyway we'll see how that goes, I am pretty determined to lose weight and get fit. I have this evil idea to dress up like Vicky Pollard and open the door with a fag in one hand and a beer in the other hee hee hee!


Tammy said...

So glad you had a good day yesterday. It sounds like it was a lot of fun! And all those goodies! WOW

Jenni said...

Sounds like fun Sam, the goody bag looks fab! Glad you're feeling better.
Jenni x

Just call me G said...


I went to a LGFB session at my local Macmillan Centre a couple of years ago... great arent they?

I'm going to have a long read of your blog tomorrow...

Hope you are feeling tip top..

Catch xx
