Thursday, November 30, 2006

Another Work Week Over!!!

Tee hee I am loving this 3 day work week malarky! 4 days off now yipeee!

Mind you, I am lucky, I love my job, yesterday I was teaching people to use PaintShop Pro and I am learning Photoshop too!

New project is out in Quick & Crafty, I did some cards with some lush papers from Banana Frog, they are fab

Also have a piece in about blogging so lets hope I go up the "Crafty Blogs" hit parade lets face it number 69 in the rating ain't good!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Once Bitten Twice Shy? -No Sireeee not me

Those who regularly read this nonsense may recall my "crumpet rage" at Tesco Express last week.

Well this dotty old bag was there again tonight and have I learned my lesson? Did I stay clear of the evil self service till wotsits??

Did I 'eck, like a lamb to the slaughter, the trusting fool that I am I was sucked into the "ooohhh bet that'll be quicker than queuing" mentality.

This time it was worse, scanned all my stuff, then it sniffilly refused every form of payment I offered it, I cajoled, I pleaded all to no avail...............I was eventually persuaded to go and queue up outside to use the chuffin' cash till to get money to pay!!! The queue for that was about 8 people long..............will I ever learn???

Anyway due to my early onset of senility I bought a flash new filofax yesterday, filled it with everything my pea brain needs to remember till the next Millenium and guess what? The damn thing is too big to fit in my handbag...........sheesh!! I Give up

So , now at my desk making cards and I have run out of blanks (I'll need to shoot myself with real bullets ha ha ha ha ha!!)

Monday, November 27, 2006

I need a personal organiser!!

OK it's official, I am officially brainless as of now...............toadelly losing it memory wise. This morning on the school run I was convinced I had forgotten summat, but couldn't figure out what?? Then I remembered - the cheque for school lunches this week durrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I wish I was more organised, I am hopeless at this "school Mum" thang. It is my honest belief that all children should stay in nursery till 5pm every week day till they are 16 - no more messing about with having to make tea every night and clogging up the roads with the dreaded school run. I am laying the blame squarely on the teachers at my boys school, if they send home any more letters with "bring this in" , "do this" or "we are doing that" this side of 2009 then they are getting shoved where the current bun don't shine.

ALSO whilst I am on a rant - what gives with my blog, do I smell??? I am thinking of bribing Kirsty wiv Jaffas to stop writing for a week so I can be number 2 not number 70 !!! on Crafty Blogs...........(just kidding Kirsty).

Hey ho c'est la vie - off to beedie byes........till next time xxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Great Weekend

Gosh I have had such a brillo weekend. One of my hubby's Greek colleagues has been staying with us since Friday and he was a perfect house guest.

Yesterday was Sarahs' retreat, I am in awe of the scrapbooking talent I keep seeing. Julie Doyle, Jani D (can't recall her full name - sorry Kiddo) and Kirsty Wiseman taught a class each yesterday and I must say I was totally blown away by them all. How come ladies with families and jobs to juggle can produce such wonderful artwork?? I take my hat off to you all! Jools was a COMPLETE star with her catering too, bless her she is a dedicated scrapper and spent the whole day in the kitchen with Sarah's mum Wendy.

The retreat was perfect, Sarah " I am having twins by the way" Davies just organised such a brilliant day - I love you gal!! Every small detail was taken care of. The food , the venue and the raffle were fabbo.

Today I took my little 'un to "Polar Palace" one of those hideous play frame party venues - he went with his 2 best pals. I say hideous, but they do love it. My little fella kept complaining that he was hungry, and I was like "stop nagging just go and play". His 2 mates popped back on their own announcing that he was in a party. I went legging it over to one of the party rooms and spotted the little blighter sitting at a table happily tucking into some random kids party meal - OH MY GOD!!! I was soooooooooooo embarrassed, I just picked him up and ran for it!!! God knows who they were, I didn't stop to find out!!!! At the end of the afternoon putting his shoes on he complained that he didn't have a party bag!!! SHEESH what a kid???

Off tomorrow to get lots of card making done - yey!!!!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

BAD Mother

I think I am definitely going senile, or my mind is so full of "things to do"that there just ain't no room for more info.

Today was anti bullying day at school which meant no uniform and I didn't just forget, I have no recollection of it being mentioned in any letters from school. So my poor son ended up in school with his uniform on and now I feel dreadful..................everyone else was in jeans - bless him.

So I was feeling dreadful and quite grumpy and found a letter in his bag about him needing a flipping angel costume for the nativity play..............arrgggghhhhhhhhh!!!!

It's Sarahs retreat tomorrow and I am going to be a helper - should be great!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Stop the World I wanna gerroff

GOD!!! I am a bit stwessed at the mo. I have been trying to get in work early so I can finish early every night to get stuff done around the house. We have a vistor staying with us this weekend and have also invited bods round for fireworks and nibbles on Sat night. Added to this our garden is still being sorted. We now have a skip full of the Berlin Wall on the drive, an electrician and a squad of guys who pave stuff for us arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

So in my rush to get to work yesterday I jumped in the shower - had a quick look at my hair, thought it passed the "minger test" and didn't need to be washed so I could save time. Got out of the shower, put my make up on and realised since I had slapped face oil on the night before that my hair was greasy and I didn't pass the "minger test" after all. So legged it back to the bathroom to wash my hair. Looked in the mirror and my mascara and it had all run - arrrgggghhh!!!

Face then had to be redone. I go into the wardrobe to get something to wear and as I struggled to get something out, a coat hanger flicked out and whacked me straight in the gob!!! You can imagine how blue the air was - it flipping hurt!

No time for brekkie, and I needed cash so I drove to our Tesco Express got cash, then had a brainwave to buy crumpets and butter for the office.

They've just installed those god-awful "swipe your stuff yerself cos we can't be a****d" checkouts and my crumpets wouldn't beep throught the "swipey thing"!! So in true Victor Meldrew stlyeeee I said "oh for God's sake why can't we actually have a real human being behind these bloody tills????" Well I said it quite loud, my crumpets finally got themselves together, I paid and made a sharp exit with bemused early morning shoppers gawping at me.

Progress eh...........? I hate it

Oh I bet my blog will be kicked off Crafty Blogs now for not having any "crafting tips or stuff" - so here is my tip of the day "craft knives are very sharp so be careful".............................

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Stress Bunny Returns

I have orders for 100 cards to deliver before Christmas -- plus I need to do Xmas cards for our family............................I'm gonna hibernate


Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Quote

Read a great quote in Paper Crafts Mag today....

"There's a very fine line between hobby and mental illness........."

How true is that?? I daren't show my other half since this is how he views my obsession with paper n' stuff.

I've been really busy with writing the words to go with my pictures for the mag, it's the worst bit of the whole process so got that sorted - till next month.

It's action stations in the garden again, hubby made himself very popular with a pneumatic drill yesterday , much to the disgust of the neighbourhood hee heee!! We have a pile of concrete rubble to rival the fall of the Berlin wall outside our kitchen door and yet another flippin' skip on the front drive.

Lots to do this week - got orders for cards for a couple of shops and we have friends coming at the weekend so lots of yukky housework to do. I could just leave it and blindfold them when they come through the front door instead.....there's a thought!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Quick Recovery!

OHHH I do feel better. Up in Glasgow at the moment, we went to a 40th Party last night gosh it used to be weddings and christenings now it is 40th parties, how old am I starting to feel?

The party was for hubbys mate who was our best man and the venue was a bowling club, they had indoor bowling on green carpet and although I was rubbish it was good fun! The party boy had brought his iPod and plugged it into the stereo and every single track was fab - I may have to clone it. Mind you I don't have an iPod all my itunes are on my PC and I am mad for downloading tunes.

Back home today to get on with the garden renovations, the final phase starts next week - can't wait!

My hubbys cousin is over from the States, she made a flying visit yesterday and dropped off a stack of scrapping and stamping mags for me - I LOVE HER!! SO I shall have plenty to read today. I've also had orders for cards from a couple of shops so I'll be busy doing those.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Poorly 'ol me
Well I have managed to get myself a little tummy bug - what a pain. On the mend now though, it just meant I had to leave our crop early on Wednesday. Incidentally for all the thousands of you reading this, Sarah of SarahsCards and I run a crop every month near Northwich in Cheshire so if you care to come along please get in touch!

Off to Glasgow tonight for a flying visit for a 4oth Party then back home to continue with our garden renovations!

My latest project has been uploaded to MyCraftWeekly , a new site devoted to all things crafty by Aceville, its' a subscription thing but well worth a look. I must say reducing my hours to 3 days a week has meant I can get on top of my deadlines at last!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


OHHHHHHH ( I am very excited) Bev Fletcher has just officially "launched me" - well I am almost as big as a boat, on her Banana Frog website as part of her design team, I am so happy!!!

A big thanks to Bev for supporting me and choosing me for her team!!!

Check me out - worra poser.

This week has been so great for me, I have some really nice offers which I am just keeping under my bonnet just now, but suffice to say I have been grinning like a Cheshire Cat all weekend!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Back Home from the NEC!

WOW!! What a great weekend I had at the NEC - Sarah and I did make and takes at the show with 300 people! Sarah was an angel I was "cooking on gas" all weekend and I think I wore her out but she was very gracious and didn't punch me once! A BIG thanks for all her kindnesses and for letting me accompany her - I love ya Sazzles!

I met loads of lovely people and had a great natter with Julie Hickey from Craftwork Cards and Dyan from Art from the Heart. They of course had the most scrummy stuff on sale and of course I succumbed. The gang from Quick & Crafty and Crafts Beautiful had the stand at the entrance and were "going like a fair" all weekend too. They had a BIG blown up poster of one of my front covers on the stand, by the time I got round to taking a pic some elderley lady was sitting in front of it and I didn't have the heart to ask her to budge, so no pic for me!!

It was so great to have an exhibitors badge and I waved it like Wayne from Waynes World - I was deffo "Access All Areas" tee hee!

The gang from Practical Publishing, Lindsay, Diane & Iain really looked after us and were a complete hoot- even with hangovers! SO a Big Thanks to them for "having us".

OOHHHH but it was great to meet all the enthusiastic crafters there, some of them were so lovely. Some were a bit flippin cheeky too, we were making things with brads and one woman swiped a handful as she left our table - if you are reading this madam shame on you! It's amazing the stories you hear of folk pinching stuff at the shows too, you wouldn't believe crafters were capable of such behaviour...............but then it takes all sorts.

All in all I had a wonderful time and am looking forward to the next one, and helping Sarah on her retreat on the 25th of the month.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

One more sleep to go!

OOOhh I am almost (but not quite) wetting my pants about tomorrow - off to the NEC yipeeee!!

I am almost packed, and very excited. Poor "expectant" Sarah will probably want to strangle me by Sunday if I stay this excited!!!

Please, please let's hope people actually want to "make and take" with Sazzles and Sam, cos I have been preparing all week, I am just gonna drag people to the table and MAKE them MAKE AND TAKE.

Anyway got lots to do - wish us well and I'll write and update on my return (how will you survive without me ha ha ha!)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Crafty Blogs

If my brain was made of dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my hat off! What a berk, I signed up for Crafty Blogs and have been wondering all week why it hasn't appeared on their rankings ..............durr you need to install a button wotsit on your blog to get it to work. I sent an email to their support guy last night - he must have thought "god here we go again another dimwit!"

So I am now number 68 in the rankings, not quite Billy No Mates but practically.

I hear that Lianne has been voted scrapper of the month (she is always fighting ha ha ha) but seriously well done to her - she sent some YUMMY scrummy ribbon to me yesterday - check out her shop

Two more sleeps to the NEC!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lots to Do.....

Ohhh yesterday was my first Monday off in aaaaages, I have dropped down to 3 days per week at work so I can pick Alex up from school and not put him in Kiddie Prison (after school club) Got loads of creative stuff done for my Quick & Crafty project, so really per usual can't share it cos I would get "done".

Well on the way to getting all the stuff sorted for our Make and Takes at the NEC at the Weekend, please say hi when you pass Sarah and I on the Practical Publishing Stand.

I am very excited about a new venture I am involved in, Aceville, who do Q&C mag and Crafts Beautiful have just launched My Craft Weekly, which is an online forum full of videos and projects and patterns etc etc. Some of my stuff will be appearing v soon so I am very chuffed!

3 more sleeps to the NEC yey!! Poor Sarah will be fed up cos I will be like a kiddie jumping up and down and saying "I AM DEMOING at the NEC" all weekend. Soz Sazzles.....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

God my Blog is boring...............

Feeling a bit naffed orf today cos I have found a site which lists all the top Blogs for crafters and mine ain't on it..........however on closer inspection it seems you actually have to log your blog on the site cos apparently they ain't psychic.

YEY thinks I , I might get some real strangers, rather than my Mum, Julie and Sarah (god love em all) reading my blog, then I noticed a rather pertinent disclaimer which basically sez if your blog ain't "crafty" enough you'll be kicked off and pelted with rotten tomatoes ( I made the tomatoes bit up)

Well it doesn't take a brain surgeon to notice the distinct lack of crafty pics and tips on my blog does it? Thing is, cos I have to work (boo- frickin - hiss) AND the fact that I don't get time to create and play other than for Q&C most of the time, I can't actually take pics of what I have done.............cos that would spoil the TA-DAH! effect in the mag. So what to do? Can someone please arrange for a few more hours in the day peut-etre, cos that would sure help my little predicament.

I am off to Courtyard Crafts tonight with aforementioned mother to drool over stuff (must not buy, must not buy...). Tomorrow I am spending the day with Sazzles to work on our "make and takes" for the NEC next week. We are gonna be on the Practical Publishing stand and I am VERY excited. So for all the hordes of you reading this - ahem!!! Please come and say hi.

I am off now to ponder my options for squeezing crafting time in so I can take some pics of things I have made.