Friday, April 18, 2008

Still in a Guddle

Guddle, I learned this week, is Scottish for "total tip/in a mess" so now I am speakin' da lingo up here I can affirm that our "hoose" (more lingo) is still in a guddle.

I was nearly there with my craft room but a lot of Alex's junk got shoved in there last night as we are building him a new wardrobe tonight. On that point, we spent a fortune in IKEA last weekend and I found out that they are having a 21% off sale today cos they are celebrating 21 years in the about bad timing!

I have started back at work - Working from home or WFM as I like to call it. I have also found out that I know have a "portfolio career" - with my day job and my crafty design work I have kinda 2 jobs hence the term "portfolio career", sounds pretty darn groovy to me!

Much of my time has been spent trying to get rid of a certain smell in our the utility room. No-one but I can smell it . I have a very sensitive nose, borne no doubt out of years of ceaseless poking it into other peoples business LOL! Put it this way, the last owners had cats who I think must have been incontinent, I think there was a serious "widdle fest" going on in that room prior to the move "aaaaahhh knock yourself our kitty kats we ain't staying...."

I have also been a little bit obessessed with Delia's new book "How to Cheat...." It's brill. I have searched and searched every electrical shop in Edinburgh for a Kenwood mini chopper, finally got one on line. So last night I made Shepherds pie using M&S tinned lamb and Aunt Bessies frozen mashed potato. I must admit I didn't hold out much hope for it. It looked like (and smelled like) dog food with small frisbees on top. BUT it was gorgeous!! Even Alan, who HATES shepherds pie, thought it was very tasty..............I am such a domestic goddess ha ha.

Right off to pick Alex up from school, Scottish kids "don't do Friday afternoons" so Mummy is copping for it this afternoon. Harvey Nicks will have to wait for another week ha ha!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My New Craft Room

Right, Alex is at school, Alan is at work and now I can get down to the business of finally sorting out my new craft room yey!!

I had a TOTAL TANTRUM last night, there were 16 boxes of Alan's stuff in my room and no room to move so I flipped out big styleee. Bit childish really, but since my new office is actually going to be my "real" place of work as well as my crafting room, I need it sorting today since I am back "at work" tomorrow.

So as soon as it looks presentable I will be posting new pics!

Friday, April 11, 2008

We're In!!!

Cor blimey we have finally made it, after months of waiting and keeping fingers crossed, we are finally in our lovely new home. It's brill, I am knackered,but happy.

We got the keys at 10am on Wednesday, the vans arrived at 1pm and there was just enough space to park them - phew!!

The guys finally finished unpacking at 1pm yesterday, we still have a ridiculous amount of stuff to unpack, one of the bedrooms is ram jam full of boxes and I want to get rid of lots of stuff have even more of a de-clutter! After 10 years of marriage I have realised what a hoarder Alan is!

Tempers were a little on the short side last night, Alan spent most of the afternoon bringing EVEN MORE stuff back from the flat (2 car loads) , honestly, he said "it'll only take me an hour", yeah right!!! He then tried to plumb in the washing machine, but the guy at B&Q gave him the wrong connection, in the misdt of his temper tantrum (very rare for him to lose his temper - unlike me!) Alex spilt milk all over Alan's Blackberry. Oh dear!! You know the saying, "no point crying over spilt milk?" It definitely applied last night.

Well my office/craft room is "getting there", there are about 15 boxes of Alan's rubbish from his old office in here GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I am so mad about that, but he has promised to go through them and sort it out for me, currently the room is like an obstacle course and I have given my beloved Expedit shelving to Alex for his room. I have a feeling I shall be shopping for more Expedit VERY soon.

Alex is settling in well at his new school, he lost his 2nd tooth yesterday, so the tooth fairy made a visit. I sat next to him this morning and said "are you happy with your new house and school? Isn't it nice that we are all together again?" He looked at me with his big blue eyes and said "Hmm, yes Mum errrr can I have chewing gum when I am eighteen?" eh?

Right, gotta go, I have more boxes to unpack..................................

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


It's finally here, today is the day we move into our lovely new home. I cannae wait !

We'll be busy bees all day and probably for the rest of this week, it's very exciting. Got a bit of packing to do from the flat too, so I think we will be to-ing and fro-ing between the house and the flat. I am just in panic mode, I hope there will be a space to park the removal vans outside the house - eeek!!!

Wish us luck!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Great Weekend

Well we decided to go for a bracing walk at Yellowcraig Beach yesterday, yep, whilst the UK is being snowed on, the Curries go to the beach doh! Yesterday morning Alex and Alan were throwing snowballs at each other on the walk to get the Sunday newspapers, by the afternoon we were on a gorgeous beach in the sunshine. OK so it was FREEZING and very windy but it looked nice, I have no idea why I am gripping Alex's head like that??!!!

I also found a wee gift shop, and bought these lovelies for my office/craft room...

Friday, April 04, 2008

When the Going Gets Tough................

The Tough go shopping!! YEEE HAAA! Well the going hasn't really been tough at all, but I have been shopping in Edinburgh today, I don't need an excuse.

The shops are gorgeous, my fave is White Stuff on George St and they had a SALE on- yippety deeeee!!!!

Anyway hubby is on his way home so all the evidence has been stashed into the wardrobe. Now I am going to be working from home I needed to purchase some work clothes (jeans!) hee heee, I am so bad!

Off out into Edinburgh tonight for din-dins, just got to choose my outfit "this? Darling I've had it for years......!!!" yeah right

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Just to Prove....

Just to prove I do actually do some cardmaking I thought I would post a few pics of some of my latest stuff. These cards appeard in Crafts Beautiful last month and were made using Stampin' Up! Products, hope you like.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Funny Old Day...

Crikey, I am here, in Bonnie Scotland, hoots Mon! We are in the flat, all of our stuff is safely stored to come up here next week.

We had several hours of frantic activity by the removal men, then cleaning and a 4 hour drive up to Edinburgh. Our house felt VERY different once all of our "stuff" had gone - in fact it didn't feel like home any more. We are in transition but in the end, home is where the 3 of us are, and right now, home is right here.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Tin Opener?

Quick tip, when your hubby has been clearing out the garage before moving, make sure you haven't packed the bottle opener...............and the tin opener, doh!

Lots of cleaning to do but no rooms are totally empty yet except my craft room. Boy this all feels VERY weird