Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stamps for Sale

Hi Y'all

Got some stamps for sale - postage is free in the UK, I'll accept cheques and paypal. If you use paypal I'll need to add 50p to each package to cover my paypal fees.

All the Sugar Nellies are very lightly used and are mounted on that stuff (hmmm can't remember the name arrrggghh!!)

Sugar Nellies are £4 each, you can buy all 5 for £18 if you like (bargain or what!!)

Scrappy Cat Flower Scribbles £6 (very lightly used)
Alpha and Circles £6 again lightly used
Autumn Leaves background stamps - £5 - never used!!!

If you are interested please email me at sam.currie@btinternet.com - cheers!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chicken Update

OMG my chickens are hilarious, a couple of total nutters (well they belong to me so of course they are barmy)

Both are now laying an egg per day, it's a little miracle really. Lily laid her first egg right in front of me on the lawn, she puffed herself up so big I thought she was going to pop! This teeny egg popped out and she strolled casually away!! It was really small, but the day after they were regular size.

I am able to pick them both up and stroke them , Lily is a bit more "up for it" than Clover is - bless 'em!

One thing I should point out is they poo - a lot! Then they poo some more and then......well you get the point. Since I am chief chicken carer I get to shovel chicken poo most days and it's not the sort of thing you want to do first thing in the morning if you are feeling a little bit gippy.

They both LOVE to eat sweetcorn, in fact their love kind of borders on addiction - it's like crack cocaine to them. Last night I opened the back door and they LEGGED it super fast towards me , pushing and shoving each other. They clocked the plastic box with the sweetcorn in and Lily jumped up on the back of the garden chair next to me to get higher !

Anyway I am now off to see if they have laid a chuckie egg for me.

Thanks for all your lovely comments about the end of my treatment. I am feeling very tired at the moment but I am plugging on. We've booked a holiday in Florida in July and I cannot wait!!!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Well , finally........ today was the day I had my last treatment for breast cancer. Just after 9am I walked out of the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh after my final radiotherapy treatment. I had 25 in all, 5 weeks, 5 days per week and it's been OK, but very tiring.

It's the culmination of 8 months of a "cancer journey" - diagnosis, surgery and treatment. I was diagnosed on October 9th last year. I've been pretty lucky all in all. I had a lump less than 1cm in size, all removed and no spread to lymph nodes.

It was found via a mammogram I elected to have as part of a BUPA MOT check and thank goodness I did. It couldn't be felt, I am 41 and not considered high risk. My cancer was an aggressive grade 3 and what we call "triple negative" which means I cannot be treated with Tamoxifen or Herceptin. My stats are good, apparently there is a 92% chance I'll still be alive in 15 years, which is obviously fab..........

I had 8 cycles of chemo and 25 doses of radiotherapy, the chemo was fine, it's not as bad as everyone thinks, I was lucky. All in all though, it's been a pretty horrendous few months and physically and mentally I am dented and I guess I will always worry if this damn thing will come back.

So, keep all crossed for me. I am very grateful for all the wonderful wishes you have sent via your comments so big hugs to you all xxxx