Thursday, September 06, 2007

I ain't no Dawn Meehan

Dawn Meehan, you may have heard of , she was the lady who had the Pokemon cards on ebay that one of her six kids sneaked into her shopping trolley. Her blog is hysterical read it here

Anyway I have only one child but he sometimes cracks me up - this morning we left for school at stupid o'clock because the road near us is closed, we were outside the school gates in the car at like 8:25am and school starts at 8:50am !!! So I found a few mags in the car to kill some time, and whilst I was reading about Jade Goody and her £1000 champagne party nights whilst trying to get over "cheating Jack", Alex starts coughing his head off. He croaked that he wanted water and I gave him some , he turned a funny colour , his eyes were watering and I said "are you OK sweetie" to which he replied "no mummy I think I swallowed some sick juice" ewwwwwwwwwww. I have a new car and I got him out PRONTO, he was OK, no puke thank god.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. That sounds like a near miss. I hope he feels better now.