Monday, January 28, 2008

I feel like Flat Stanley

I am pooped,knackered, shattered, jiggered, and I feel like I have been deflated like Flat Stanley. I have just spent 2 days getting the house de-junked and gorgeous for the estate agent pics. The house looks fab, I am soooooo in love with it, it has never been so tidy and clean and I going to keep it this way , cos I ain't got the energy to do that again.

Alan is home tomorrow and he has been issued with a death threat if he messes the place up ha ha!! He rang me tonight, he and a friend had "crashed" a convention in Dubai with about 5,000 all having a party grrrrrrrrrrrr "gee thanks for calling me whilst you are in the midst of a party and I am doing bathtime followed by the ironing", he owes me, he owes me BIG time

The For Sale board went up today and it's'll be great when we finaly get a house in Edinburgh but it hasn't happened yet, so I am hoping we get some luck very soon.

Whilst I was up in Glasgow I took a quick trip to "S for Stamps" and bought some gorgeous Amy Butler papers and stickers from K&Co, can't wait to have a play, but too tired tonight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........................later dudes!

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