Saturday, October 11, 2008


Thanks so much for your lovely comments and emails, it really does mean a lot. All of my friend, colleagues and crafting friends have just been lovely.

I really do thank God (although I am not religious, I can see myself becoming more so) that Alan persuaded me to have the health check . It wasn't free and I said, "I know I am overweight and unfit why can't I just have a designer handbag with the money?" ha ha!

Also fortunate was that the mammogram was "optional", they don't usually do them under the age of 45, but Alan said "oh well you might as well have it to put your mind at rest" -ha! the irony.

So I owe him so much! I am actually glad that my Mum is no longer around, having lost my brother and my Dad, this would have been such a huge worry. However if anyone fancies adopting me please send your CV - I have a huge pile of ironing.

I have been walking around for the last couple of days with a knot in my stomach, I feel a bit sick most of the time with worry. My lumpectomy is scheduled for Monday, once I have had that they will do some tests to see what we are dealing with. I am also going to be injected with a blue dye for a sentinel biopsy. Apparently I will look a bit grey for a while and will probably have a blue nipple till Chrismas, so that's the end of my pole dancing career eh?

So, wish me luck for Monday !!!


anita said...

like i told you , positive thinking can do so much! You don't worry, you'll be back poll dancing before you know it ;)
good luck for monday, you'll be in my thoughts. keeping my finger's crossed that there will be good news.

Stamping Moments said...

Sam, I wish you tons of best wishes and kind thoughts for monday. Its good to get it done so quickley. I had a problem with my neck 4 years ago, so I know all the worries you are going through, its amazing what you end up thinking about. You always make me laugh, so chin up and I will be thinking about you, Luv jen x

Carol Ann said...

Sam blue nipples could just be the next big thing! Sending you positive vibes. I will be thinking of you on Monday keep laughing it's one of the best pick me ups ever.

Carol xxx

Anna said...

Good luck tomorrow Sam.
And get yourself an ironing lady, got to be one of the best things I did since my life changed. Saves your sanity, believe me!
Anna xx