Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jingle Bells

So school is now finished until January and so am I yay!!!!

We went along to the nativity play on Wednesday morning, it was so funny and also a "kleenex moment"

I went to see the Jean Muir exhibition at the museum in Edinburgh on Thursday after coffee with some of the other mum's . We then took our kids for lunch, they were just about reaching melt down by the time we left. Dreadful weather too, totally peeing down most of the day. When we got back it was veg on the sofa with White Christmas and Lemony Snicket. 

The door bell rang and I jumped up (wigless and hatless) and opened the door. I don't know who was more astonished, me or the guy standing with a brace of pheasants, a case of wrong door matey!

To top that off the Mormons arrived yesterday I look like a pheasant eating Mormon to you?

Right , gotta hit the shops (joy of joys!)......

1 comment:

Stamping Moments said...

Hi Sam,

I haven't visited for ages as work has been holding be back from blogging! I have just spent the last half an hour catching up with you and I am so glad to hear you are on the mend.

Love the Wig! and the stories of Shop Rage! I sometimes get so cross when you are in a supermarket at the tills and people are hoffering over you when you are just about to use the card machine and they are nearly always Old!!! Hee! Keep up the great work, luv jen x